

round & round

{Mommy & Jack}
Last weekend Josh was out of town, so on Sunday, when the rain continued to pour, I decided to get out of the house. My mom met me at Jantzen Beach and we took the boys on the carousel for the first time.

{Nanny & Logan}
As I was walking up onto the platform, Jack was saying, "All done? All done?" He was so scared. Logan also looked apprehensive.

Jack feeling not-so-sure.

But once the"horsies" started going up and down, the boys got excited.

Here Jack is saying, "Up-down. Up-down."

Logan was loving it by the end. The rest of the day when I asked about the horsie ride with Nanny, he would say, "Up-down. Round an' round an' round," complete with hand motions. So cute!

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