

me, too

"I working," Jack tells me.

"I working, too," says Logan.

"I clean," says Jack.

"I clean, too," replies Logan.

That's his new thing. Anything that Jack is doing, he's doing it "too". It's so adorable. With my minor in Human Development, it's obvious that development fascinates me in general, but I am particularly enamored with my boys' development. How they relate to each other and the way their language is growing.

For instance, when they look in the mirror, they claim to see the other ones' face. (Example: Logan looks in the mirror and says, "Jack.") As much as we have tried to explain that that is Logan, or that is Jack, they are quite certain it's their brother staring back at them.
And when you really think about, whose face is always staring back at them?

Another thing that amazes me is their ability to memorize songs. Jack can sing most of "We Are The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" from our Veggie Tales soundtrack. They also know the Veggie Tales' theme song; You Are My Sunshine; Happy Birthday; The ABC's; and many more. I mean, he's not even two, and Jack can sing himself Happy Birthday! Incredible!

I believe that watching them grow will forever fascinate me. The fact that they are twins... exact genetic replicas of each other... navigating the world together, only makes it more intriguing.


  1. I completely understand your baby fever. How could you look at those two perfect, handsome boys and not want a house full.


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