

May 15th

May 15th has always been a special day for me.
It is my parents' wedding anniversary. This year they celebrated 28 years together. What an amazing legacy to leave their children and grandchildren.

{May 15, 2008}
It is also the day I made it to the 34 week mark. This was a huge milestone for myself and for our babies. This meant bigger, healthier babies with more developed lungs and a shorter hospital stay. I had been scared by pre-term labor around 24 weeks, and with bedrest and lots of prayer had bought another ten weeks for my precious boys. (I went on to bake them for three more weeks.)
I journaled throughout my pregnancy and wrote, "I am getting excited to have Josh's babies!" We had just decided on their full names- Logan Henry & Jack Sawyer. And I wrote that Dr. Plaut had informed me at my 34 week appointment that my belly was the size of a full term singleton pregnancy. Josh took me out to lunch after that appointment and I wrote about it saying that I was going to miss spending time alone with him. (If I only knew how much!)
We also got an extra ultrsound that week. We got see Logan practice breathing, yawning, and winking! Jack's lips were so big & squishy in that ultrasound. I just wanted to kiss them!

{34 weeks}
That poor belly! It got bad stretch marks at the 32 week mark.

{May 2009}
Ahhh... those sweet faces. May of last year was a good time. I was one month away from their first birthday, a few short weeks away from staying home all summer with the boys, and I was feeling good, like I finally had a handle on this. On working full time, supporting a husband in school, and raising twin sons. The boys were crawling, pulling up, laughing, and interacting with each other. All of which brought such joy to me as their mother.

{May 15, 2010}
Once again this year, May 15th was an awesome day in my life. Josh and I, together, had survived the roughest, toughest challenge God has thrown our way. We somehow managed to keep the house running, the bills paid, the homework done, the job attended and children fed, despite the massive lack of time in which to do it all.

For all of my amazing May blessings, I am grateful.
What sunshine has been in my life.
What beauty.

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