

mommy's boys

Lately, I have just been bursting with love for these bubs. Despite their crib-climbing skills, I am just so enthralled with them right now. I love having conversations with them. Like two nights ago when I was bathing the boys and Jack tells me, "Nee's house. Drink. Choceet Milk. Logan, please." (Translation: At Nanny's house we drank chocolate milk because Logan kept saying "please.") My mom had told me that when I got there in the afternoon, and Jack told me about it hours later in the tub. How amazing. That his less-than-two-year-old brain can recall what he did, and tell me about it.

Besides talking, they are also making leaps and bounds in their play. They are using their imaginations more and more, and are just... learning. They can do many puzzles independently, know many of their colors and are so creative in their play.
My favorite, as you can see in these pictures, is when they play with their babies. Saturday morning Jack crashed his stroller and his baby flew out. He said, "Baby crying," and picked her up, patting her on the back. It was so precious.

{mommy's boys}
Whenever the boys get out their strollers, I encourage them to get their babies out, too. So they get blankets and binkies; bibs and jackets; socks and sippy cups- all for their babies. They get their "man purses", hang them on their stroller handles (just like mommy) and say "Bye. Have a good day. I love you." (Just like mommy)
They are little sponges lately. Everything I do, they do. Everything I say, they say. It is an amazing privilege (and responsibility) to be their mother. One that I am glad... overjoyed to have.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love it when they get on their little cars and say "see you later!"
    And although it's adorable they play Daddy...
    I think you desperately need a daughter.


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