

WSU Graduate

{Joshua Adam Cunningham}
Bachelor of Arts
in Education

{Class of 2010}
That's Josh holding the Education sign!

Well, we made it. This day had been a long time coming, and I can't believe it's already here and gone. The day of graduation was so surreal. I kept flashing back to Josh's Clark graduation (for his two year associates degree). It was the first time I had left the boys (they were only 12 days old) and I was a wreck. I was so proud of him (he had been working full time, going to school, been hit by a drunk driver and suffered a consequent seizure; all without giving up!), but I was lost and floundering myself in my new found mommy-hood.

This year I felt nothing but confidence. I feel confident in our marriage, in our ability to weather life's storms, in our parenting of the boys and of our future.
I thought I would cry my eyes out, but when they called his name, all I could do was throw my hands in the air and scream. I screamed and screamed until they were already reading the next name- I couldn't help myself. I was hoarse. I am just so proud of him!

{My grandparents with Josh}
We were so thankful they were able to make it.

{My mom & Josh}
Actually, we had quite the turnout. You won't believe it. There were 26 people there (most of whom we fit into ONE row!) to support Josh. He said as soon as his name was read he knew where we were thanks to the screaming. I think we are all just so crazy proud of him.

After graduation we had an open house at his sister's house. (Thanks again for hosting, Julie!) I had the chance to thank everyone for their support throughout the last two years, and really spent the day reflecting on how far we've come. It feels so good to be where we are now.

The {soon-to-be} teacher, already crazy!

{My sweet Bogey boy}
It is insane how fast time flies. The boys were three weeks old when Josh started the program. They were feeding every three hours, weighed about five pounds and seven pounds, and were precious beyond belief.
Now they are nearly two, talking (all the time!) and running around so independent. When I see how much they have changed in two years, it makes sense how different I feel. A lot can change in two years. And for me, my self esteem is better, I feel more capable and I feel more trusting that everything happens for a reason.

I have grown more thankful for family in the last two years than I ever thought possible. The people there on Saturday celebrating my husband's success are the ones who got me through the darkest of days, who fed my children in my absence, and who lent me their shoulders as I cried.
None more than my best friend, my sister.

{Jack being sweet with Ferris}
Above all, Josh and I are so proud to be college educated parents. Because our hope is that our education will be an inspiration to our children to also become educated people.


  1. I am so proud of you guys! Shelly, you inspired Josh! It is so great that he followed his dream through it all and had your total support and faith in him. If you weren't such a great mother, he couldn't have done it. Josh is a wonderful husband and father, and it turns out a terrific student. Now he is a teacher!! The kids in his class are going to be better for it!
    P.S. I love how much Jack and Logan love Ferris.

  2. Congratulations Josh!
    What a wonderful accomplishment for ALL of you.

  3. I could tell you two were just walking on AIR all day Saturday! Josh couldn't stop smiling! I'm very, VERY proud!! He's going to be a wonderful teacher, and I keep praying that he gets a job lined up for the fall so you can stay home with your parrots, I mean kids! (Haha, they repeat EVERYTHING! "a-nocks-us!" translation: obnoxious) Josh is going to be an awesome teacher and someday principal!! The kids who get him are lucky, but at the same time I can see him saying, "That's 100 sentences."
    "But Mr. Cunningham!!"
    "Ohhh, now it's 200."
    Hahaha, it's gonna be awesome! And... did you mention that he walked with HONORS for getting STRAIGHT As?!! That's amazing! Good job to Josh and to you for being such a supportive wife!

  4. Congrats to Josh for this wonderful accomplishment! And to both of you for being such amazing parents.

    Shelly, you are such an amazing writer; I'm not surprised any more when I get teary-eyed by someting you have written.


  5. WAY TO GO little brother Joshua. I got teary-eyed when Joshua walked down to get his diploma. I wiped my tears away then I screamed to the top of my lungs and cheered for Joshua. I got goosebumps & it was awesome! I agree with you. I felt like his graduation at Clark College was like yesterday but no it has been almost 2 years. Time flies so fast! I am so proud! He didn't give up and he DID it. I hope that he is inspiring others that we can accomplish our dreams/goals. Joshua absolutely inspired me and it motivates me to get my certificate.

    Thank you Shelly for being supportive of Joshua. You guys did it! :)

  6. HUGE congratulations! You have made it through an amazing accomplishment... enjoy the ride :)


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