


 The homesickness hit yesterday afternoon like the flu.  I was entirely unsuspecting, playing "summer camp" with the kids, complete with sleeping bags & canoes in the lake when out of nowhere I got this lump in my throat and a desperate need to see my friends, my family, my hometown.
I've been on the verge of tears ever since.  

 It has been over two months since we got here, and the novelty of our family being reunited has worn off.  The house is unpacked, we are settled, and the drudgery of caring for the kids has set in. The below zero weather coupled with said drudgery has made for some long days here with the boys.

 The days when we get outside or go play at the school are invigorating, exciting, fresh.  The days where we are stuck inside due to temperatures in the minus twenties are long, tiresome & depressing.

 Especially since the sun is shining like it's the middle of July lately.  Blue skies & sun glinting off the snow, attempting to lure me outdoors despite the freezing cold risk of frost bite.  We are praying for the weather to warm up (ten degrees or warmer would suffice) in time for Josh's parents to come visit.  (They will be here Friday the 23rd.)

I miss my mom's sunny kitchen.  I miss my sister's cushy living room rug.  I miss the handmade honey vanilla ice cream at Ice Cream Renaissance.  I miss parks.  I miss driving in my car, rocking out to Sara Evans.  I miss seeing my friends, having playdates and shopping.

All of a sudden I miss every single thing.

 I'm trying to feel the feelings as they come, 
and that means in the three hours I've been up, 
I've cried about six times.
 I think this quote puts it quite succinctly:
 "When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; 
when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home." 
-Thornton Wilder


  1. Aww Sister! I am so happy to hear you miss me, miss us! I know that sounds mean but when you didn't miss anyone I was having hurt feelings a little... You can still be brave, happy and independent but miss home. When I was in San Diego I missed everyone but that didn't mean I wanted to come home. Feel your feelings as they come and keep writing them down. Your video will be in the mail this week, it might make it worse but it will make it better too. I miss you guys like crazy, especially after laughing with you (and Josh) on the phone. Seeing carol and Carl will help, I think. I love you and am so proud of you for moving your young family to Alaska... But relieved to know you're not super human and do miss our fun times. Great big hug to you! Xoxo

  2. Oh, I just can't even imagine. I am praying for you today and He gives you the comforts in your heart of the things you so desperately miss and need!!

  3. Hi Shelly-
    Cheer up- and take it day by day! Thinking of you :O)

    Did the boys get the magazine subscription I sent up there???

    Mason and Orion still talk about Logan and Jack- we'll have to have a playdate when you come back to visit :O) It really isn't too far away in the grand scheme of things!

    Take care!

  4. I love the quote it is so true. And the winter blahs are with you. Try not to think of taking care of the kids as drudgery, but as your chance to be a kid with a few extra responsibilities. When I would get overwhelmed with the chores that do not stay done, I would remember the prayer about being thankful I have the ability to scrub the tub, and wash the socks. Find something to look forward to each day - your book, a backrub, a bath. And know that we are missing you A TON!!! I will be praying for you. And feel me hugging you ok?

  5. Roxanne and your mom....I can feel the love and hugs they are sending through their words.
    When Kori lived in Florida and I still lived in Washington I would miss her so bad it hurt inside, hurt to just be. It makes me tear up now, years later just thinking about it.

    But you have your babies. Your babies who will always remember Mommy being there, and Daddy too. It hurts to miss home but it would hurt those little boys not to see Daddy, ya know? Jack, Logan and Wyatt will remember this with happiness, joy and love.
    You're coming home for summer right? It's just a couple months...
    When I lived in NJ I worked at Bed, Bath & Beyond with a store manager Fromm HELL!!! Everyday (except Thursday's and Sunday's!!!) was pure torture, not kidding. I knew I was moving soon - 3 years and I just started my countdown. Ok 2 years ...1 year ...and now I'm gone away from her forever. It felt like eternity when I was there -
    this too shall pass.
    Your mom gives good advice look for the silver lining in each day. Remember it'll pass. Do you know that song 'you're gonna miss this?' by Trace Adkins? Look it up. Remember your baby boys and the love that is forever imprinting on them each day.
    I hope it helps a little bit. I'm sick, so I'm kinda whacked out right now...



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