

ice fishing

 Our neighbor Howie invited Josh to go with him to check his fish nets down at the river last weekend.

 First they had to find Howie's sticks that signified where the net was located.  Then they had to dig two holes down through the ice to reach the water. 

 Josh said by the time they dug the two holes, the first hole had frozen back over about a half inch.

 The first net contained no fish.  All that work for nothing!  Luckily the second net had seven fish in it! Josh said that the nets were really hard to pull up because the current of the river under the ice is so strong.

 It was a beautiful day, but very cold.  About ten degrees.  Josh said that at first he was so cold. Then he worked hard shoveling ice, and got hot & sweaty.  Then when he cooled down again, he was even colder than he'd been before!

I asked Josh if he was worried going out on the ice, but he said no. Especially after digging so far down to reach water.  He said he felt perfectly safe walking out on top of the Yukon. What a rugged Alaskan he is!


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