

never enough

 The Monday after my birthday, the boys wanted to make my cake, so we cooked it up, layered on the chocolate frosting, dropped a handful of happy, colorful sprinkles on, threw in some "30" candles my mom sent, lit them up and made a wish.

{I don't believe that telling your wish means it won't come true.
I wished for more of this-
this life, these boys, this joy...}

The boys were very excited to sing to me, watch me blow out my candles and eat some cake.  We even had left over ice cream from last time Josh bought some. It was a real celebration! 

 Wyatt thought the ice cream was too cold!

 And we're not sure if Jack got any of it in his mouth!

 Then on Tuesday for dessert they wanted more cake. This time I let them each have a candle to blow out. They thought that was the coolest!

 I love these pictures of Jack.

 How he's cracking up! I love that kid!

I felt silly posting about my birthday twice, but when it comes to cake & ice cream, there's never enough!

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