

Christmas Eve

We made Christmas cookies, the twins and I, during Wyatt's afternoon nap on Sunday. 

They really enjoyed choosing which sprinkles to apply,

and they applied liberally!
So fun!

And on Christmas Eve, we had a pretty mellow day.
I made bread and cinnamon rolls from scratch,
and we opened a few presents.

The boys all opened new jammies, as is tradition in our family on Christmas Eve.

The pajamas my mom sent are perfect.

They have moose & beaver on the bottoms, both of which can be found in Marshall.

And when Logan saw his "skiing moose", complete with snow skis & a snow hat, 
he said, "My moose has a viking hat on!"  
We quickly told him those weren't viking horns, but antlers!

Wyatt enjoyed opening gifts, and when the boys were in the jammies, 
Wyatt touched Logan's soft belly and said, "Cozy!"

They also opened an ornament from my mom.

It's Mike & Sully from Monsters, Inc.  
The twins love it!

I got the *coziest* jammies EVER from my mom.

And so did Josh.

After we opened gifts, we took baths & got on our jammies.

And played with sweet Wyatt.
He's really got a playful personality.

And he loves being silly.

Especially with his Daddy!

Then we watched Home Alone.

While Josh made homemade personal pizzas for each of the boys.

Enjoying our Christmas festivities with this little one has made me realize how big he is getting. He wants to be in on everything... From the twins' advent to making (and eating!) Christmas cookies.

He just makes us so happy.
I love everything about him!

Daddy's homemade pizza displays the skills he gained from working at Papa Murphey's (a pizza chain) for five years during high school.  They are delish!

The pizza and a movie on Christmas Eve, were a real hit!  
Josh and I decided this would be our new family tradition.

The boys went to bed very excited for Santa to come visit.
And for my Christmas gift, Wyatt slept through the night!!!


  1. Those cookies look delicious. Lucky Santa! ;)

    That sounds like a great tradition, might be starting that one over here at the Tucker household.

  2. I didn't make sugar cookies this year. I am so glad you did! Thank you for the pictures of the boys opening their PJ's. They look so happy!! I miss them so much but pictures make me feel better. You look beautiful - especially in the picture where the boys are opening their ornament! And in the cookie picture I can't get over how long your hair is!! Wyatt is so cute - the one where he's walking and Josh is smiling down at him is so precious!!


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