

Family Movie Night

 So this year when we came back to Marshall, we instituted family movie night.
I love getting all cozy in our jammies,
curling up together to watch a movie,
and enjoying some popcorn & candy.

 We do it about twice a month, and the twins SUPER look forward to it.

 For Christmas Josh's parents bought the twins bean bag chairs,

 which we let them open Saturday night for movie night.

 They were seriously SO excited!!!

 They love them.

And we love them, too. 

They will be the perfect additional seating for our growing boys!!!
{Thank you, Grandma & Papa!}
 In addition to letting them open their bean bags,

 we gave them a surprise present from Aunt Julie.

 Their very own Pillow Pets.
"Finally, a pillow pet!" Jack exclaimed.

 Logan got Mater,

 and Jack got Lightening McQueen.

 They super love the pillow pets, love that they open and close, and that they are so "cozy."

Logan kissed his when he left him in the playroom to go eat lunch today.
He really loves it.
{Thank you, Aunt Julie!}
 And the final surprise Saturday night was the movie we were going to watch.

I ordered Brave for them on Amazon.
They were very, very excited to watch it.

Watching them open all their surprises made me so excited for Christmas morning.
I can't wait!


  1. They're so cute! Such excited, happy faces. Bean bags are a great idea for those wiggly boys! Brave is a cute movie, Savanna just let me borrow so I can watch it with Ferris. :)

  2. Wow, What a nice Christmas your family is haveing. We wish U the best. Thanks for the Christmas card. Very nice picture. Now I have your address. Hope you have a good New Year.
    Love Alida

  3. What great gifts!!! And such happy boys!! It makes me so happy to see them so excited!!


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