

wyatt -- 20 months

Today it's been 20 months since this little boy was placed in his daddy's arms in the OR.  
It's been 20 months since I became a mother of three.  
It's been 20 months since my little boys became BIG brothers.

 Being a mother of three has good, really good, days. And then there are days when I feel it. sigh.  Days where I feel the needs of these three boys and I feel inadequate. Sometimes all day long, I go back and forth and back and forth among them.  Change Wyatt, wipe Jack, help Logan... Scold Wyatt, read to Logan, listen to Jack...  Over and over I meet one need, only to be confronted by another.

But I am doing it. And it's going really well.  I am so grateful.

This time last year I had been in Marshall for a month.
I was still unpacking. I was still settling. I was still in shock.

And the year before that, I was suffering as a working mom (more on that tomorrow) and praying daily that the Lord would find a way, make a way, for me to be home.

And so, in this month of love, I am looking back on my journey to NOW, 
and I am loving every step along the way.
Here's a Photo-a-Month of Wyatt from birth:
{one week old}
Photo credit: Kori Hiser

{one month old}
{two months old}

{three months old}

{four months old}

{five months old}

{six months old}
{seven months old}

{eight months old}

{nine months old}

{ten months old}
{eleven months old}

{one year old}

{thirteen months}
{fourteen months}
{fifteen months}
{sixteen months}
{seventeen months}
{eighteen months}
{nineteen months}
{twenty months}
As we approach his second birthday, I am getting more excited about getting to know him. 
I can't wait to hear more of his little voice expressing who he is.

(And just for fun, here's a picture of Jack & Logan at twenty months.)

**PS- Don't forget to enter your email address on the right sidebar if you'd like to know when I've posted something new!


  1. Jack and Logan look so different from Wyatt at the same age. So cute :)

  2. All I saw were thighs. Holy baby legs!

  3. I love you Wyatt!!! You are such a beautiful boy!!

  4. that little (big) Wyatt is just darling. The brothers are cute also.

  5. Hi Friend! The boys and I were looking through Wyatt's pictures and Noah has decided that Wyatt looks just like him. I am amazed at how Wyatt's face is changing from baby to little can really tell in that last picture! Glad you are doing well girl!


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