


So my sister requested that I gather all the funny things the boys do and say into a post for her enjoyment.  Here it is, as promised.

Before we put Wyatt is the bath tub, he runs around the house singing, 
"Naked bay-bee,
Naked bay-bee!"
It's so cute!
And when his big brothers are in trouble, Wyatt will run around yelling, "TIME OUT! NAUGHTY! TIME OUT! NAUGHTY!" in his teeny tiny angry voice.

Lately the twins love Jake & The Neverland Pirates.  They even have Bucky the Pirate Boat.  But Jack can't say "Neverland".  He calls it "Lever-nand", which I adore.
Another thing that both Jack and Logan say is, "The plane land-iss on the runway."  They don't say "lands", they say "land-iss".  I think I will be very sad when they correct these cute little things they say wrong cause it will be a sign that they're growing up. 
I had the twins help me sort through the toys in the playroom and their closet last week.  Jack in particular had a hard time.  He suggested we save their toys in our storage unit in Washington for when they are young again.

The other day Jack wanted Logan to play with him, and Logan didn't want to. He got sick of Jack's whining and begging and finally he goes, "Jack- I said no. N-O!" and spelled it out for him. I was dying!

One morning I was getting Logan ready for the day and I noticed his cheeks were really red and splotchy.  I was checking them out, kind of concerned, and he said, "I should have put on Jack's head," like instead of his own.

The boys are really into potty talk right now, mainly farting.  So the other day I was not surprised when I came upstairs and heard Logan asking, "Wyatt, did you cut the cheese?"

Logan always shows Wyatt his schoolwork when he's done with it. I think because he feels proud when Wyatt does something well, he thinks Wyatt will be proud of him when he does something well. It's super cute.

I made cinnamon raisin bread this weekend and when reporting to Josh that he ate a piece, Logan told him, "Well, I didn't eat the crust, but I like the inside very much!"
During school we were reading a book, and there was an astronaut on the moon looking at the earth. So I asked, "When we're on earth and we look up in the sky, what do we see?"
Logan replied, "God."

Speaking of God, some of the best stuff they say is during prayer time.  I love bedtime prayers, hearing what they are thankful for and what they are wishing for.

Some things they have been thankful for:
raisin bread
being safe
playing the wii
going outside
riding on the snowgo
our cozy house
their bubbas
the blankets on their beds
movie night

Some things they ask for:
good weather
more snow machine rides
that they will sleep till the light is green
to play video games
for no bad dreams

I am really enjoying all three of my kids right now. The new schedule is going fantastic and is allowing me to have so much fun with them.  Tantrums are at a minimum with them, and as you can see, funnies are at an all time high!


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