

just like their daddy

Last week Josh went on one last hunting trip in hopes of catching a moose for the school.
It was the last day of the season, a last chance to take one down.

I had to snap these pics of him kissing the boys goodbye.

It just seemed so odd to have this big rugged man, gun slung over his shoulder, hugging and giving these boys snuggles.

The boys always talk about going hunting with Josh when they are bigger.  They can hardly wait!

After hugs & kisses, the boys slipped on their boots to see him off at the door.

And when it got too cold, I corralled them back into the house, where they continued watching him prep to leave from the window in the playroom.

He took the school snow machine out and even tracked a HUGE moose 300 yards, but the snow was thigh deep, and the trees made a difficult shot.  Then he was thinking, even if I can shoot it, how am I going to get it back to the snow machine through this snow?

He was disappointed, but has big plans for hunting next year.  I think he better enjoy the simplicity of hunting alone. Before he knows it he's going to have three mini-me's out there with him!


  1. Rugged, indeed!

    And the boys standing the same on the stools, too cute. I thought of them when we saw toy guns at Cabela's. Blake has a BB gun if you think they're ready to practice this summer, haha!

    I have to ask, is it an Alaskan thing to say "caught" a moose, instead of "shot" a moose? I noticed you say that way and Josh did in his pictures of hunting with the students. Blake and his dad always say shot or killed (if it's with a bow), just curious.

  2. You have turned into a true Alaskan! Whenever I say "snow machine" no one knows what I am talking about! They always say, "you mean like a snow mobile?" Love reading your adventures!!

  3. Roxanne- everyone I've met in Alaska says "caught". "Did you catch your first moose?" I'm not sure why, but that's the lingo up here! Grandma teased me about it. She's like, Shelly, don't sugar coat it. He KILLED it! I was like, Grandma, really, that's how they say it up here!

    Shannon- there are so many names for the snow machines. I tend to use that one, but in the village they also say snowmobile or snow-go. I would say most people say snow-go.

  4. A moose would have been a nice way to end the season, I bet! Love the photo of your little guys and their boots...

  5. thanks for visiting my blog! what a gorgeous family you have! you made me want to move to alaska- i am convinced it is the most GORGEOUS place on earth.


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