

Care Packages


My friend Kari's care package just keeps on giving!
The boys favorite thing is to bring the creepy crawlies to the park and hide them to "scare" their friends.

We thoroughly enjoy the Nutella on graham crackers for afternoon snack.
Holy delicious!

Her creepy crawlies also decorate our windowsill. 
Matched with some tealight candles we're looking pretty festive around here!

{Also, Shannon Thomason-- Kari is the one who sent me the sand you noticed a few posts back. It's Sand by Brookstone, found here on Amazon, and is amazing!  We are in love with it!}



For Halloween my mom bought the boys their costumes.

Wyatt is a Cougar,
just like our alma matter,
Washington State University's mascot.

He absolutely loves his costume.
Although he's pretty sure he's a dog.

We love him in it!
And the bonus is that it's super warm.

Josh thought it needed a "mascot" touch, so we put on Wyatt's WSU jersey.

Oh man, is he ever cute!

And the tail? It kills me!

For the twins she bought shirts & accessories so they could be police officer partners.  They are so excited to wear their badges and have their handcuffs!  Growing up I loved Halloween, so it's fun to count down the days with the boys (seven more!!!), get them excited about Marshall's Halloween Carnival at the school and watch them look forward to trick or treating.



Josh's sister Julie sent us an awesome Halloween care package.  Cookie cutters, orange Oreos, holiday dish towels, cupcake mix, Halloween cupcake cups, frosting, Halloween cups & plates and brownie bats!

But the most important thing she sent was the boys' favorite Halloween chocolate/peanut butter eyeballs!

They called immediately to thank her.

Here's Jack enjoying his eyeball!

Wyatt dug right into his...

and then requested "more meatballs" once it was gone.

She also sent us Halloween chocolate chips.

We promptly got to work making them into cookies. Oh man were they tasty!


Carol & Carl:

Josh's parents sent him pumpkins for each kid in his classroom, and also sent us a ton of candy to pass out on Halloween.  Halloween is a huge deal in Marshall. The kids live for it!

After receiving our package from Grandma & Papa, Josh called them and let the kids talk.  The twins were glad to say hi, but it was Wyatt who melted hearts. When he was done talking to Josh's dad, he said bye and I love you. Then he turned his forehead into the phone and closed his eyes, hugging the phone with his face. It was so precious.

He and Papa Carl have always had a special bond, and even though they haven't seen each other in a long time, he felt warm all over after talking to that special Papa of his.  It was so sweet to watch.



Mary is a past teacher/blog follower who has spoiled us with care packages all year!  First we got some BOB books for the boys to supplement our reading curriculum.

This time we got a Halloween care package full of goodies for the boys.  M&M's, Hershey chocolate nuggets, Halloween straw cups (that the boys ADORE), pumpkin flash lights, and a bunch of fun glow-in-the-dark toys (masks, spiders...) that entertained them for hours.

The boys also got Halloween Cap'n Crunch...

that turns the milk GREEN!

I used the Hershey Nuggets she sent to make the best milk chocolate cookies ever!

I quartered the nuggets and used them instead of chocolate chips.
They were a hit!

Thanks for thinking of us Mary.


Jolene & Rachel:

My girlfriends back home got together and sent us the two sweetest care packages ever!  

They were chock full of delicious goodies (like pumpkin spice coffee creamer for me!!!)

and tons of fun crafts for the boys.

They sent Halloween activities (like pumpkin painting!) and some Thanksgiving activities as well that I set aside for November.

They also sent lots of food & baked goods for us to have fun with in the coming winter months. 
Thanks so much girls!
I miss you!!!


Grandma Pansy:

My grandparents sent us a package that was so full 
Grandma said that Grandpa had to sit on the box to get it to close!  

Canned Chicken
Peanut butter
Hot chocolate
Canned salmon
Onion dips

She also sent creepy crawly rings, glow sticks, Halloween napkins, & a John Deere movie. 

But our favorites, I think, are the candy corn (my favorite Halloween candy!) and the M&M's we made cookies with.  


Steve & Kathy:

We got a box from my Uncle Steve & Aunt Kathy the same day we got the box from my grandparents.  Steve's box had tons of candy for family movie night, almonds, & chapstick as well as maps (world & US) & a puzzle.  There were granola bars which are awesome for easy snacks, and special flavored chapstick for the twins.

There were cars & an alphabet puzzle for Wyatt plus stickers and beef jerky.  

But mommy's favorites, of course, were the gorgeous candle (that made it without breaking!!!) and the Dove moisturizing body wash. So excited to use both of those!


The Moore Family:

 Yesterday afternoon we opened a package that was a complete surprise & so exciting!

 Inside this sweet care package from the Moore Family (whom I assume are blog followers???) was an entire bag of Cuties (baby oranges) that were a huge hit, about a dozen lemons, rainbow goldfish & cake batter chapstick!

The funniest thing was that when we were at the store, Wyatt super wanted some Teddy Grahams, and I said, "I know you want those, but mommy's not buying them today." Then the twins got in on the begging, and I said, "Maybe someone will send some in a care package." 

An hour later, we opened your box, and voila! Teddy Grahams appeared! 

The boys favorite is the Cocoa Pebbles. These boys are cereal-lovers! We currently have ten opened cereals on top of our fridge. Literally. Ten.  They love a variety & choosing which kind to have each morning is serious business. 

Personally, I adore Cap'n Crunch, but those boys of mine? They take after their Nanny, and their *favorite* is Cocoa Pebbles. So thank you, thank you, thank you!


Every care package is different & wonderful.  It's so fun to gather the boys around and let them open the boxes, pulling out each item with care as they exclaim what it is and who will love it most.  Living here is teaching them gratitude for the small things.  And every single person who sends us a care package is contributing to that lesson.

For that, we thank you.

Thank you.


  1. The picture of Wyatt looking down in his costume made me CRACK UP. There's a wild animal in your house!

  2. We do follow your blog and know what it is like to be far from family and "home". Thank you for helping me to teach my littles to think of others. Blessings, The Moore Family


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