

Keep Him Safe

Tonight my heart weighs heavy.
I am going to talk about something that is semi-controversial.

School shootings.

This week alone I have heard of three school shootings that were either in the works or carried out.  There were three fatalities and in our own hometown of Vancouver, Washington an eleven year old boy was taken into custody after it was discovered that he had a hand gun and 400 rounds.  Earlier this year my nephews' school was closed due to bomb threats, and of course last year there was Newtown.

Josh is a teacher. He works with nearly 20 third, fourth & fifth graders.  When I kissed him goodbye this morning, I have to tell you, my stomach was doing flips and once he was gone, I had to bite my lip to keep the tears from coming.

He didn't become a cop. He didn't join the military. He became a teacher. Yet in the last year or so I have worried more for his well being and lack of being armed than I could have ever imagined.  All I can do is pray everyday that God will keep him safe.

Oh God, keep him safe.

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