

I need a hero

A late evening post today because it's been a crazy two days. I wrote Monday's post on Sunday night.  So it was already done.  But Monday & today have been really hard emotionally.  Monday my anxiety seemed to be getting the best of me, but today has been better.

Well, better emotionally. Not better parenting-wise.

I am working to get enough sleep, to get exercise, and to deal with my anxiety... all in the hopes that I will then be a better, happier, more peaceful mother.  That's the hope anyway.  Today was a flop.

But I am a continual optimist, so I'm counting on a better tomorrow.

In the mean time, a little mind rambling for you.

Today at lunch I was sharing my strawberry yogurt with Wyatt and he said, "Yogurt doesn't have boogers!"  I laughed and showed him a strawberry chunk and he said that was a booger. It was seriously hilarious.


My husband is the best.  
Just... everything.  He is great at everything. He's an amazing dad, and an incredibly hard worker and the best husband. He listens and hears me and loves me through it all.  And I'm so grateful.


The heat is still out.  So the kids are semi-filthy.  And with the carnival tomorrow and Halloween on Thursday, I'm not sure when we will get over to the neighbors to steal warm water & bathe them!  After I post this bad boy, I'm thinking I've got a date with the kitchen sink so I can wash my hair.

Washing dishes is probably the worst part (aside from my laundry not getting quite as clean with cold water) because I finally submit that I have to do them, and then I have to sit around and wait twenty minutes for the water to boil on the stove.


We had our first real snow day on Monday.  The forecast called for rain, but instead we watched big, fat flakes fall all morning, and once Wyatt woke up from his afternoon nap, out we went.  It was so much fun to see the kids experience snow again.  Dressing them all to get out the door was a huge pain (I had forgotten that part) but watching their eyes light up was worth every minute.

"One of the very best reasons for having children
is to be reminded of the incomparable joy of a snow day."
-Susan Orlean


  1. You can do this mama! You have been heavy on my mind this week as I think about not having heat in such a cold place! Praying your heat is on soon so that you can get back to normal...and don't worry about semi filthy boys...they're boys! :o)

  2. Katie (Your New Jersey Fan)October 30, 2013 at 7:03 AM

    I was in your place this time last year when our power went out following Hurricane Sandy. We lost power for five days, which meant no heat and *barely* warm water, and chaos all around us from downed trees and wires. I was literally forced to slow down. I allowed my son to be semi-filthy. We used paper plates and plastic utensils for a few days, which was really hard for me because I hate the waste, but it did ease the burden of not having to wash so many dishes in boiled water. I also forced myself to accept the generosity of neighbors, many of whom did have power. That was also tough because I struggle with having to ask for help, but soon the idea of spending a few hours in a heated house won me over.

    You are strong! I have no doubt you can get through this. And let your boys be dirty - they don't mind!


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