

October Goals

My October Goals seem a bit overwhelming from the looks of it...
but really they boil down to two things:
Good Parenting & Good Self Care
Both are really important for a happy, balanced life.

Good Parenting:

-One Fun Thing
Each day I want to do something simple that is super fun for the kids.  Such as washing dishes in the sink, a "fun" bath (no washing, only playing) or a game of Uno.
-No Yelling
I now have four 100% successful No Yelling days under my belt.  Even on days where I lose my cool I I am able to regain composure & handle the chaos that three boys in three years throws at a person.  I am hoping for at least twelve 100% days in October.
-5 minutes
I want to spend five minutes of quality time with each boy everyday.  Fostering our connection is one of the ways I have been successful in not yelling.
-Half a Dozen Hugs
Peaceful Parent suggests that our children need at least twelve hugs a day for emotional growth.  So I'm going to work my way up to that number!

Good self care:

-9pm Bedtime
In order to be a nice mommy, I have to get enough sleep. 
-Have Daily "Me" Time
Wake up early before the kids & journal everyday.
-Be Kind to Myself
Be less hard on myself about: the house, the kids, my husband, my blogging, homeschooling...  And stop expecting perfection!
-Talk Back to Negative Thoughts
There are thoughts that circle like vultures in my head, crowding out any good, productive or creative thoughts, and while I am working to keep ahead of my anxiety, I found three hot thoughts in particular that were getting me down. So I spent some time journaling to figure out just what I could say to myself when I started to fret about them.

  • When thoughts circle about our finances- "it's just money!"
  • When thoughts circle about my parenting-  "I choose love"
  • When thoughts circle about the house-   "there'll be time for that later"

-Have Some Fun
This month that means working on the scrapbooks I started last school year for the boys.  I am so excited to dig in and relive all our best memories!

What plans or goals do you have for October?
I'd love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Shelly, I am happy that you're going to be blogging every day! or near every day! I love reading it.

    I love your goals too. And I must add, I WISH washing dishes was fun for me! LOL!


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