

Weekend Update + What Makes Me Happy

Now that Blogtember is over (wasn't that fun?) I have decided I really like blogging daily.  It's actually easier than blogging every three or four days because I don't have to catch up what's been going on during my absence. And, as I have heard it said before, using my writing "muscle" everyday makes it stronger. 

So I came up with a plan to make it happen every month, not just in September.  Yesterday I printed off blank calendars for October, November & December. Then I filled in special days, where I knew I'd be blogging about something in particular (ie Halloween & my Birthday).  After that it was simply a matter of looking at the 39 draft posts (I wish I was exaggerating) that are sitting in a super messy disorganized pile on my blogger dashboard, and figuring out when I wanted to post each piece.

I left some days open for inspiration to hit, and am flexible with the calendar-- it's more of a guideline than a hard & fast blogging itinerary.  If I want to switch days around, or post things sooner than later, I will.  

Along with my blogging calendar I invented a new weekly piece, entitled Weekend Update + What Makes Me Happy.  The point is to jumpstart my week by sharing our weekend + my goals for the week + what's currently putting a smile on my face.  I will post one every Monday.  I hope you are as excited for it as I am.  

My thinking is that Mondays are hard. The weekend is over, there are things that never got done that should have, and you are thrust into your week ever so rudely.  Starting my Monday morning with a weekly plan, some small goals to make me feel productive and a list of small joys is sure to get the week off on the right foot.  If you'd like to join me and do your own version of Weekend Update + What Makes Me Happy on your blog, I'd love to have you!  Feel free to leave a link to yours in the comments.

I have also made a habit of creating monthly goals since we got home (thanks for the brilliant idea, Ashley!), so I will be sharing my October Goals tomorrow, and then each Monday I will update you on how those are going as well.  It will be a good way of keeping myself accountable.


Weekend Update:

Our weekend was really good.  Friday the boys and I went over to the school after naps so they could play in the gym while Josh finished butchering his moose (!!!) and afterwards we had chili & cornbread muffins with Konnie, Martin, Leah, Isaac, Johanna & Dwayne.  It was a really nice, laid back evening, and the boys were so happy to be out of the house.  That night all three of them thanked God in their prayers for the "potluck."

{What was left of the moose after it was butchered}

Corn Bread Muffins

1 cup milk
1/4 cup butter melted
1 large egg
1 1/4 cups yellow cornmeal
1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Beat milk, butter & egg with whisk.  
Stir in remaining ingredients all at once.  
Pour into greased muffins tins.
Bake for 15-17 minutes, until golden brown.
(Recipe courtesy of Betty Crocker's COOKBOOK)


Saturday morning I woke up before the boys and had my quiet time.  I let Josh sleep in.  The boys and I enjoyed the morning-- making four loaves of bread (with our new wheat flour), and doing laundry in between playing legos & trains.

At 10 Josh took the boys to Saturday Social at the school, so this mama got almost three hours to herself!  I watched The Holiday (one of my all time favorite movies!) and journaled and took a nice, long, hot shower.  It's been a month since Josh was able to take the kids & give me a break.  Needless to say, it was lovely.

Because of our Friday night chili, we opted to do date night Saturday. Once we got the boys down, Josh made us a pizza (salami, pepperoni, bacon & olives-- yum!) and we watched Stolen with Nicholas Cage. It was good, fast paced, but not our favorite.

Sunday it was my turn to sleep in, which was much needed. When I woke up I organized all our new groceries in the pantry.  I am so happy to have that project done, and grateful for a fully stocked pantry.

On Saturday I wrote a post about the struggles I have been having currently.  I wanted to clarify that I was not, am not, having a pity party.  Those are just some of the bad that go along with all the good.  I would say that right now I am the happiest I have been, but that doesn't mean every day is perfect or that balancing it all isn't tough.  Raising three human beings is the most challenging, most rewarding thing I have ever done. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

What Makes Me Happy:

Hello morning.
Hello chance to start over.
Hello, my loves. 


The Time Between by Karen White
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Dr. Laura Markham


Yesterday afternoon when I was on the phone with my sister (and had been crying because I was both emotional and missing her) Jack colored a picture of Beauty & The Beast for me, put it in an envelope and put stickers on it. Then he gave it to me and said, "Mom, I am giving you this because sometimes when someone does something nice for you, then you do something nice for them. And you made me cupcakes, so I made you this." Then he hugged me and went along his merry way.


Letters from my grandma
My Summer 2013 Book
Notes + Popcorn wreaths from our beloved Susan


  1. where do you get your photo books made?! I'm looking for somewhere different.

  2. Ashley, I use Shutterfly. I love that I can add pages and how fast the pictures upload. Plus they run deals all the time for discounts. This one would have been free if I hadn't added nearly 40 pages!


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