

Raising kids together

Yesterday my sister came over with her four kiddos to help my twins celebrate their twelfth birthday.  Her arrival MADE their day.  If we had done nothing else (no cake, no presents, no water play) their presence alone would have been enough for them.  It made me so grateful that we are raising kids together. 

Growing up, we were almost five years apart.  And she claimed that if she was having kids, it would be when she was much older, and she would be adopting them.  So I never dreamed we would be raising a crew of 8 together at the same time. 

It makes me so happy.  Very little brings me as much joy as hanging with my sister and seeing my kids with their cousins.  Taking them swimming together, to the park together, or just hanging out on a rainy day in the house playing Legos together. We are at our best together. 

I love calling my sister after a rough day and having her make me feel completely normal.  Her boys spent the day fighting, too.  Her four year old spent the day making messes and asking loud questions, too.  Her cats puked on the carpet, too.  Something about knowing I am not in these trenches alone is just so, so lovely.

"The informality of family life 
is a blessed condition that allows us 
all to become our best 
while looking our worst."
-Marge Kennedy

My sister, somehow, while seeing me (for sure) at my worst,
assures me that I am a great mom, wife & friend,
sees the best in me, and encourages me to keep going,
despite my darkest, hardest days that threaten to take me down.

Ever so grateful for her.
And the fact that we're raising kids (side by side) together.


1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, I love this post! & It’s so fun to see these old pics. Gosh the boys are so cute.
    You were my silver lining moving to Wenatchee. 💘
    And the twins are the reason I wanted to get pregnant ya know! 😂😂
    I really like that quote. It’s so true! I’ve never thought about that before.
    You have so many strengths and talents that I admire. I’m happy I can help you see them. You have helped me tremendously through life in general, but hard times in recent years specifically. Grateful for you & our friendship. 💘


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