

The Twins' Twelfth Birthday

 ... And just like that the twins are twelve.

 We've been parenting for a dozen years. 

{first trip to the pumpkin patch}


I am not one of those moms who easily envisions the future. So today when I was getting ready for the day as Jack played Fortnite in my reading chair in my room, I thought, "I never imagined I'd like my kids so much as they got older." Like, he's pretty cool.  

I mean, sure they drive me nuts.  Especially the twins.  (oh the fighting and the competing and the arguing! gah!) But they are really good people.  They are kind and thoughtful.  They are funny and compassionate.  They are sweet and silly.  They are just... well, kind of awesome.  And I love that.  They are helpful and empathetic and never want to see another person in pain or upset. 

Basically, they're the kind of humans I want to be around. And that's pretty great. 

For their birthday they chose some things and put them in the Amazon cart. That's how Coronavirus Birthdays are happening around here. Hah.  "Whaddya want kid?" So I wrapped the gifts that rolled in, some are still coming later this week, and then Josh surprised them (and me!) when he said they could download Fortnite (something we haven't allowed up to now) since they are twelve now.

Their faces! (The first pic in this post is of their expressions when they heard the news!)

He told them that whether they get to keep this privilege is up to their behavior, but I have a feeling it won't be a problem. With quarantine, we've been doing a fair amount of screens, and they haven't really had a problem whenever I say it's time to stop. I give them ample warning when we are quitting, and they know they'll get more time again soon, so I'm hopeful it will be fine. Plus, they are motivated to keep this new liberty they've been given.  We shall see.

 My sister and I planned the day over a week ago, deciding to keep it a surprise.  My boys thought they might spend the day out at the land with Josh, and knew for sure we'd have pizza and a movie for family movie night since it's Saturday.  But instead, at around 11:30, the doorbell rang.  The twins answered it, and there sat two presents, wrapped so cute, sitting on the porch.  

The boys ran toward the street as my sister and her crew popped out from beside the garage yelling, "Surprise!" and "Happy Birthday!" The kids all hugged and I held Grady back from attacking everyone- we were all SO excited to have company over. 

They came in and got settled and played for a bit, then we had lunch.  After lunch the twins got to use their birthday gifts from my sister- new squirt guns and 420 water balloons (the kind that are self filling/self tying from Costco).  We went out to "watch the water gun fight" that we assumed would be between the cousins, only to be accosted by our own offspring and end up SOAKING wet.  It was hilarious and maybe the most fun I have had since March.  My throat hurts from screaming. Hahaha!

The twins said it was the highlight of their day.

Once we all dried off, I frosted cupcakes and we sang happy birthday to the oldest two in our crew.  Carly played the ukulele and Jack blew out his candles one by one as we sang.  Logan saved all twelve until the end.  I'm not sure what they wished for... but I hope that their dreams come true.

After cupcakes and ice cream, we played a little more, and then Roxanne and her kiddos had to hit the road for home.  We sadly said our goodbyes, but promised our kids we would be getting together again soon. Very soon!

Before we knew it, Josh got home with Call of the Wild (the boys and I finished reading the book yesterday) and the pizza ingredients we needed and we started movie night.  The kids really enjoyed comparing the movie and the book, and the food was all delish.  

Overall, I would say it was a delightful birthday for the boys, despite it being a strange year, what with Coronavirus and everything.  They got cards from my Grandma with some money inside and from their Grandma & Papa Cunningham as well.  They felt very loved and thought of, and ended the night with big smiles on their faces after playing football with their dad and staying up extra late playing Fortnite, a big deal around here, as we're usually really strict about bedtime. 

I am ending the night feeling so grateful my sister made the effort to bring all four of her kiddos over,  it really made the day; and so grateful for the little family Josh and I created, starting with the surprise of these twins.

 They've never stopped helping me grow, challenging me and fascinating me.

I feel so lucky to be their mom.


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