
Around Here: Week 30 2024

 {July 21st-27th}

A tiny but hopeful start for our hibiscus
that came with us from our first house.

Focusing... on day trips this summer with no big trips planned. Part of me feels bad about that, but the fact is, money is tight and we can't afford any type of vacation or getaway. Instead we're planning fun swimming at home and out & about. We had two of Carly's friends over to swim this week, and one of Wyatt's friends, as well as spending a day at Lincoln Rock State Park with my parents and sister. That time in the sunshine and water fills me right up. 

Loving... the way my sourdough looks just like my stretchmark-covered belly. Also this week, I switched from my ceramic dutch oven to a cast iron dutch oven and the difference in my bread is remarkable. 

Reading... Sandwich and The Gift of An Ordinary Day.  They are both so good, about snapshots of families as they grow and change.  I just love reading about motherhood.  Sandwich is a fiction novel about a mom of adult children, which is like a glimpse into the future, whereas The Gift of An Ordinary Day is a biography about a mom in her last few years of high school with her oldest son. The way she tries to cherish the regular days with her boys feels so familiar and beautiful. If you're raising children, I highly recommend purchasing this book and reading it with a pen in hand. Also this week I finished God of the Woods. I really enjoyed reading it and was surprised by the ending. Such a great summer read.  I am not listening to any audiobooks currently, which is fine by me. I know that those seasons come and go. 

Noticing... that the marks left on my kitchen aid mixer bowl look like they were made by a spirograph. It made me smile and think of my childhood. I used said kitchen aid bowl to make banana bread that was promptly devoured by my children. I also tried my hand at sourdough chocolate chip cookies that ended up so good and so filling, that we couldn't eat any more than two cookies for feeling so stuffed!

Thinking... of Phoenix on the anniversary of his death. I can't believe he's been gone for four years already. Oh Phoenix... I feel so lucky to have been part of your story, to spend time in the classroom with you, reading and getting to know you. You will forever have a piece of my heart kiddo. Love you so big. 

Waiting... for our dahlias to start blooming. Josh planted them for me this year, and they got in the ground late, but they look great, and we are super excited to see the colors of the blooms. We are also waiting for our hibiscus to bloom- we weren't sure if it was going to make it this year, but finally (!) when we checked in late June, there was a sprout. We had a late freeze and I think that's why there was a delay. I hope we can get at least one bloom before the first freeze of fall. 

Enjoying... Carly so much. She's just a delight.  This week I especially appreciated her building a badminton net for her Barbies, and her knowing the clear gummy bears are my favorite and sharing them with me. I laughed so hard when she talked about having the kinds of dogs and cats and pets she wanted as an adult and then she goes, "Hashtag Life Goals!" hahaha! Oh gosh I love her. 

Reading... this quote:

"We don't have control over what happened, 
but we have the power to create meaning & purpose from it." 
-Terah Jones

And thinking about what a powerful and important message it is. 

Taking... Carly to the dentist to get her cavities checked and running errands with her. It's so bizarre to me that after years of running errands with four kids in tow, I can now go by myself or with only one or two kids. Time goes so quickly. It's wild.

Making... a decision not to do something. Being a grown up is just so darn hard... but it has me feeling autonomous and I know it was the right thing.

Asking... for help when I was feeling overwhelmed and feeling SO incredibly grateful that Josh made tortillas for our family for dinner. Thanks babe!!!

Finding... socks, continually, always.  There are dirty boy socks in my garage, the shed, under the couch and sometimes even in the van. Why?! 

Feeling... the most like myself as a mom when my kids are sick.  So when Carly was sick this week, vomiting and needing snuggles and naps, we camped out in my bedroom and watched TV and rested. As my kids continue aging, I find myself feeling out of my depth in a lot of ways. But when they're sick, I almost always know exactly what they need, and they find my presence comforting, not annoying. (hah!) Don't get me wrong- I never wish them sick... but I sure do find myself cherishing the ease with which I can care for them.  

Spending... lots of quality time with Wyatt as he prepares to go to sleepaway camp (gulp!) for the first time (gulp!). My parents volunteered to pay to sign Wyatt up to join his cousins at a camp outside Leavenworth, WA and I was shocked when he jumped at the chance. He is equal parts nervous and excited. Bless his heart! But we got the shopping done- finding him a formal outfit for the end of camp dance and even a waterproof disposable camera that he can use to take pictures since there's no phones allowed (which I love) at camp! Before he left for camp, we went to see A Quiet Place 3, after having watched 1 & 2 together at home. I think the second one remains my favorite, but really all three are so good! They're scary, but not gory or anything I think could actually happen, so they don't trigger my anxiety. Win-win!

Looking back at memories of my boys in Alaska
is one of my favorite past times.


So excited for this!!!

My sister talking about coming to my house being therapy 
is everything to me. I am so grateful that I can be there for her.

I love following @twothentwins on Instagram.
She also has four kids, three boys and 1 girl. 
Her twins, however, are her last two babies, 
and they make me nostalgic for those good ol' days.

We grew up with part of this poem on the wall
in the nursery. I love it so much.

These adorable "welcome back" snacks for back-to-school
night made me unexpectedly so sad about not having my own classroom this year.

Haha! Are you like this too?

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