
I am reformed

So I watched Oprah on Monday and it was about cell phones. More specifically it was about cell phone use while driving. Did you know that talking on the phone while you drive (hands free or not) makes you four times more likely to crash? And did you know that texting while driving makes you eight times more likely to crash?
She had people on the show who had killed people. She had people on the show who had lost loved ones, even a child on a school bus, to cell phone use while driving.
At the end of the show I promised myself that for the sake of my children I would no longer text or talk on the phone in the car ANY MORE.
Join me, won't you???


Aniko said...

I saw the same show. I was as surprised as you. I too made a commitment to keep my phone in my purse unless my blue tooth is in my ear. Our lives are too precious to loose them or take from someone over a conversation that could wait a minute or two. In fact yesterday on my way home I was about to make a call and remembered and didn't take it out of my purse.

Rox said...

I only caught the first half of the show- but it was eye opening. I had cut down when it became illegal (never tried texting while driving) and I've never talked with Ferris in the car- but now I am STOPPING completely. That Oprah, she's great!!