
Around Here: Week 46 2020

Logan & my dad's hike from last week

My poor attempt at drawing the COVID graph for my kids

Closing... our state back down as COVID rates skyrocket.  Following the governor's announcement, I then had to explain to the kids why we are going backward in terms of our social behavior and school plans, etc. I broke the news to them that it was unlikely we would join the family for Thanksgiving, and that it was unlikely they would attend school in person this school year.  One of the hardest parts of COVID & quarantine might be that I am the one who bears the brunt of all their emotions about it. It's very much a "Don't kill the messenger" situation, and one that is hard. Because I feel a responsibility to both validate their feelings, but also help them see the bright side and encourage them forward. It is very challenging. 

Suffering... three migraines this week. One on Sunday, one on Tuesday and one on Saturday.  But! I am increasing my blood pressure medication and should be at the normal new dose in two weeks. So fingers crossed I won't have migraines like this again next month!

Letting... Jack enjoy a weekend sleepover with my parents now that they are closer!  He had so much fun, building a box fort with his cousins, playing Fortnite and just being an only child for a little bit. It was fantastic!

Feeling... overwhelmed at everything that's happening.  I am overwhelmed by housework, school demands for the kids, the bills & phone calls I need to be making, not to mention the to do list that is not getting crossed off at all in the wake of doing full time remote learning facilitating and running this household daily.  I.am.drowning.

Endlessly... cleaning the house and tidying stuff up. I swear, all day long I could just walk around this house putting things back where they belong.   My biggest pet peeve? When I put things on the stairs for the kids to put away, and they walk right past them. Grrr!

Diagnosed... with rosacea at the doctor.  I went in because I had a bit of a rash under my nose on one side, but while I was there, he saw my skin without makeup for the first time (probably ever) and asked how long I had had rosy cheeks and red spotting. I said forever, but the truth is probably at least six years. He said it's rosacea and that there is a gel I can use to help. 

Ending... the first quarter with the twins.  I can't believe we made it, and I can't believe how much I loved learning/teaching science.  English kicked our butts (!) but geology was fascinating (and right up my alley. In my other life, I became a total rock-nerd-geologist) and even the twins thought so.   Next quarter is 7th grade math, and I have to tell you... I have very little education memories that are negative. I loved school, always.  But seventh grade math??? I just... I struggled. Hard.  And my teacher tried his very best... but I didn't do well, and am terrified to try & teach the twins. What I mostly remember is if we got in trouble for talking, which I often did with the 8th and 9th graders in class, we had to memorize the digits of pi. 3.14159265... Lord help us.

Emptying... some books off my unread shelf as I approach the end of the year with more books on it than I had in January. Ooops! Hahah!

Sending... Wyatt & Logan off for a playdate with my sister when we had no school Wednesday. 

Running... errands with Jack & Carly, including dropping Jack off at the orthodontist and then having to follow him in so Carly could go potty.  Dr. Feller saw us and gave Carly (and me) a candy.  She misses playing in their waiting room so much! We just love him!

Writing... to do lists for the boys (and Carly) so they can help out more around the house.  I have a hard time feeling peaceful or relaxing if the house is a disaster, so having the kids home 24/7 has been a challenge to my sanity. After complaining about this for a few weeks, I finally decided to do something about it, and Morning To Do lists were the result.  If we all work together, it's not much work at all. 

Happy... that Josh worked from home this week.  I love having his help with the kids.  I am so outnumbered currently. Things will be fine at first each morning.  Everyone working peacefully while Carly entertains herself with pup toys... then all hell breaks loose.  Logan is on a zoom with a concept he doesn't understand; Wyatt needs help with a math question on a test he's taking; Carly is in the bathroom and needs to be wiped; and Jack has forgotten what he's supposed to be doing and is fighting with Wyatt.  It's exhausting. All hands on deck is a breath of fresh air. 

Praying... for Grandpa as he endures another round of chemo this week. He's doing so well, it's truly remarkable.  But I'm praying for my grandma, too, who worries with the best of them. Just a few more weeks!

Laughing... when I gave the boys haircuts but first combed Logan's hair like a classic 1990 bowl cut. He thought it was far less funny than I did. 

Watching... The Social Dilemma on Netflix and facing my social media usage head on.  (On iPhones you can find your screen time analysis- daily & weekly- under Screen Time on Settings.) It turns out, I am on there at least an hour and a half a day, up to three and a half hours a day. And that's JUST on social media (which, for me, is Facebook & Instagram). What!?!
I am also watching When Calls The Heart. I am on Season 7 and am almost done with the season! I'm so curious who Elizabeth is going to pick!!

Enduring... a power outage for 6+ hours on Friday.  Every time the kids would get an idea of what to do while the power was out, we would have to tell them that whatever they wanted to do also required electricity. 
-Watching TV
-Making dinner in the microwave
-Turning on the lights to read

Discussing... being off Facebook with my cousin and legitimately asking her, "So then.... like... what do you DO?"  She laughed (kindly) when I asked, and said, "I just live my life." 
It sounded so refreshing and foreign. I was embarrassed! Imagine, instead of scrolling, actually living. Is this what some people do?!

Reading...  What Happens in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand and feeling so excited that I have all three books in the series to read this month!  The first one jumps right into a crazy story full of characters you love, and so far, book two is doing the same.  I think it'll make for a great month of birthday reading for me!

Doing... Carly's hair for my birthday party (we had a small get together at my parent's house with my sister & cousin) and loving how much she loves to get ready with me.  We did our hair together and our makeup, and she chose jewelry to wear... Having a daughter just never gets old. Ever. 

Opening... presents from my mom and sister who teamed up to buy me a whole new wardrobe for my birthday. I felt SO cute putting on a fashion show for them at my mom's house. Jeans, a vest, some sweaters and leggings... I was blown away by the thoughtfulness and how great those new clothes make me feel about myself. 


A little laugh, cause we could all use one:


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