
Around Here: Week 50 2020

{December 6-12th}

Reading and sharing... my friend Tabitha's post: A Love Letter to Mothers of Middle School Boys with every mom of tweens that I know. I cried and felt so seen as I read her words. Here's a snippet that really got me: 
"I see you in your nightly rounds of checking on everyone in their beds when you stop and stare at that boy. I see you how you smile and stare in awe and wonder at those soft cheeks and long eyelashes of that boy that makes you so crazy all day but here he sleeps and somehow you can still make out that little boy who held your hand and twirled your hair absentmindedly while you held his whole body easily in your arms.
that seems like only a few blinks ago
or was it ages ago
it's hard to to tell
it feels like both in the same breath."
Gah. I'm telling you, go read it

Living... life Facebook & Instagram free. I am still thrilled with how much more time I have on my hands, and haven't really found that I miss it at all. 

Learning... I like algebra.  As the twins and I move through different parts of their 7th grade math, I am discovering that there is some math I actually enjoy.  It makes me wonder if I bought into the whole "Girls aren't good at math and science" idea because last quarter I found that I enjoyed teaching them science much more than I had expected, and much more than I enjoyed teaching them English. 

Visiting... the chiropractor this week after I did something to tweak my neck. Gosh the relief I get when I go is so lovely!

Sending... Logan to Wenatchee and being so happy for him that he got to go out in his Uncle Blake's boat. He, his cousin, my dad, and Blake went out and they had a really good time. 

Getting... my Book of the Month reward for completing all the reading challenges in 2020.  I read 12 books, from 5 genre's including three debut authors. In my December package I got the cutest little candle that smells so yummy.  I had no idea when I was completing the challenge that there was a prize. So that was a fun surprise. 

Doing... art with the kids when a book I was reading to Carly inspired me.  We used white crayons to draw snowflakes and snowmen, then painted with simple Crayola water colors over the top, and we got the most gorgeous winter art!

Grateful... that Carly seems to have outgrown her car sickness.  We've been doing a lot of driving to trade kids with my sister or send mine off to spend time with my mom, and it's a bit of a drive. So the fact that she can watch a screen and not vomit any more is the best!

Reading... My Name is Mary Sutter (for the second time) and loving it so much.  Mary is such a strong character, and she's so inspiring. I read it again in preparation for reading Winter Sisters, the second novel Oliveira wrote about the Sutter family.  

Pleased... that this was Grandpa Jerry's last week of chemo.  He tolerated his treatment so well.  It went far better than we could have imagined, and I am weak with gratitude. 


This made me laugh.
This is both my dad, and my husband. 

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