
around here: week 9 2021

 {February 21-27th}

Reading... Secrets by Robin Jones Gunn.  I was super into this series as a young teen and thought it would be fun to revisit them. It was.  Very good, wholesome story.

Hitting up... Costco with my bestie, masks on.  It was so fun to get away with her for an afternoon.  We ate lunch in the car, chatting the whole time, before heading in to get all our things.  Costco is about an hour from our town, so we got in loads of talking time as well. Just love that girl!!

Enjoying... the flowers I bought on said Costco trip.  The amount of joy that flowers bring me is immeasurable (as you can see in all the pictures of them!)

Walking... twice this week with Josh.

Stuffing... in my emotions instead of letting them out. This whole "feel the feelings" thing is hard work!!

Laughing... when I found a cereal bowl left out with an ice cream scoop having been used for a spoon. Our dishes were backed up and instead of washing a spoon, one of the twins grabbed this gigantic ice cream scoop to use. Haha!

Working... in counseling on saying to myself, "I am safe".  My anxiety likes to trick me otherwise, and it's important for me to remind myself (constantly) that I am safe. I am okay.

Having... self-compassion, which is super hard for me. I have compassion and empathy for others that I do not share so generously for myself.  I need to remember that my kids are great, and so am I!

Learning... that I am not responsible for how everyone feels.  I will apologize for the weather sometimes, or for COVID or quarantine. I am not in control of any of those things, so why am I apologizing for them? It's an old pattern of behavior that I am trying to break. It's not something I have to do, not something I owe anyone. 

Loving... how Carly and her cousin Liesel facetime everyday.  They play Roblox or Among Us, and show each other their toys. It's so precious!

Listening... to Mommy Doomsday on the NBC Podcast.  What a disturbing and fascinating story. 

Randomly... wanting and making pumpkin pie, which is SO easy now that I have a dough cutter and crust cover. I got both on Amazon, and they have changed the pie-making game! 

Enjoying... an evening snuggle with Wyatt when he woke up with a tummy ache one night.  It made me realize we don't snuggle as much as we used to, and I miss it!  Time is so hard!

Grateful... when I got home from my walk one evening and found the most thoughtful little note from Jack.  Molly had knocked over a cup of water, soaking my Modern Mrs. Darcy reading challenge page, and he found it, cleaned it up, and didn't want me to worry about what had happened.  

This one made me laugh.

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