
A Month of Summer

Four weeks of summer was all I needed. 

To get my sanity, my joy, my self back.  

On July 17th, I sat back and thought, "I am so happy.  Content. At peace."  I thought about how hard the fall, winter and spring truly were with our boys learning {mostly} at home, and I felt so grateful that summer had come exactly one month earlier (June 18th was our last day of school) and ushered in the relief we all needed.

Week after week; day after day; suffering at the hands of my children COVID and quarantine and distance learning, it turns out all I needed was an entire month off. 


We watched movies. We went camping. We swam.  We slept.  We laughed.  We lived together.  We loved.  We didn't argue once over Google Classroom, attendance log-ins or Class Meets.  We had not one conversation about cameras being turned on; work being turned in; or music being turned down during assignments.  And it was a blessed relief. 

We celebrated Father's Day; got the twins' second dose of vaccine; spent time with cousins on both sides; and hosted a super fun fourth of July party.  I continued with my bi-weekly counseling; took all four kids to the dentist where we had zero cavities; and we hit 90 days post-medication for Logan (a big deal! He was most likely to have a breakthrough seizure during the first 90 days following him being weaned off his epilepsy meds, but he didn't! He has officially outgrown his seizures!)  I got to meet for book club in person; made cake and celebrated Josh's birthday; and sent the twins to a Mariner's game with their dad, much to their delight.  I (nervously) watched my sister's girls (ages 3 & 6 months) so she could take her boys (and Wyatt) to the water park and cross it off their summer bucket list.  We also went kayaking; made smores; rubbed sunscreen and aloe on each other after long days in the sun; and collected fresh, tiny, red strawberries from our garden. I read books; wore the bikini; ate cold watermelon; and fell in love with Carly's vibrant, colorful, uninhibited art. I watched my dahlias bloom, and started a paint by number (thanks to my friend Kristina who sent me one. Love you girl!) 

I started Mine To Tell, something that is all my own.  A writing class where I am attempting to pull together all that I lived through during our time in the village in Alaska.  I prepared for a garage sale that has kick started the most intense home organization/simplification that I have ever executed. I have faced what fall will bring (all four kids in school for the first time ever), which leaves me feeling both terrified and ecstatic, and am content to just take each day as it comes.  I am soaking up all the days of summer, and am not borrowing trouble worrying about school, sick days or masks.  What's coming will come and we'll face it when it does. 

I have dealt with heartache that's left me sobbing, gasping for breath; and I have experienced the euphoric joy that comes from knowing (down to my bones) that I am beloved for just who I am. 

Here's hoping my second month of summer vacation is as calm, relaxed, soothing, and fun as the first month was. 


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