
Around Here: Week 34 2024

 {August 18-24th}

Grateful... that we had the best, slow summer.  I can't believe that next week it ends. 

Sorting... Carly's clothes for fall.  In preparation for back to school shopping, I sorted through both she and Wyatt's clothes, taking pictures of what they had to so that whatever we buy, it will match/coordinate with what they already own. It's my biggest tip. 

School-clothes-shopping... with my mom, Milo & Wyatt.  We shopped in phases thanks to my sister. She watched Carly while Milo, Wyatt, my mom and I shopped. Then she had Wyatt while my mom, Carly and I shopped. At the end of the day, we spontaneously got Carly's ears pierced! She's wanted them pierced for a while but I wasn't sure where to get it done here in town. So we struck while the iron was hot. Wyatt didn't come home with us as he stayed the night with Milo, lucky boy. 

Missing... Josh as he had trainings this week.  Saying goodbye to summer and hello to school is always a little hard on the heart. 

Meeting... with our family doctor to get a referral for Logan to work on getting his ADHD diagnosis. I am hopeful that it will help him.

Enjoying... a day to myself on Wednesday during which I had counseling, started a puzzle and did a little reading and relaxing. Josh had the day off between trainings and took Carly to Silverwood for the day.  She was thrilled to have a Daddy/Daughter Day at the theme park, and it was especially perfect because they both had free tickets from the Read 2 Ride program in the spring. He sent me so many pictures and said they had the best day. He's the most amazing dad. What a lucky girl. 

Taking... Logan to his ADHD evaluation with Heather.  She was so helpful and made ADHD much more easily understood. She gave us paperwork for me to fill out and for Logan to have a teacher fill out once school starts.  After the ADHD evaluation, I started wondering if ADHD and seizures are related, and sure enough, they are. Up to 40% of children with seizures will also have ADHD. Fascinating. (If you don't remember- Logan had seizures from third through seventh grades.)

Stressing... about school starting in mere days and we have no open house days for my twins at the high school, no time with counselors beforehand, and as of yet, no schedules to speak of. 

Laughing... and texting Josh as I spent hours on a puzzle and had only gotten a tiny way.  "Why do I do these again?" I lamented. 

Loving... the sunflowers Josh trimmed back outside and thought to bring inside for me. I was so touched and they are so beautiful!

Reading... Swan Song and liking it quite a bit so far!

Learning... that Kamala (as in Harris, the presidential candidate) is pronounced "Comma-la", not Cuh-Mall-uh like most people pronounce it. It's pronounced comma like the punctuation and "la" like the singing at Christmas time.

Enjoying... pottery in Wenatchee with my mom and sister.  We have so much fun together, visiting while we do something creative.  This time I made a small carrot tray that Carly can use to eat raspberries or olives (so cute!) as well as an old fashion lemon juicer so we can make homemade lemonade again sometime. Before we left for pottery though, my brother surprised me with my nephew, Isaiah, who had driven over from Vancouver. Oh, it was so good to see him and hug him! He's so handsome and makes me so proud of him!!
After painting our pottery we went out to dinner and everything was so good! But even better than the food was the company. Oh my gosh, the laughter! I needed that so bad!!! 
Then when I got home, there were notes from Carly everywhere. She left a note telling me she had made our bed; and there was also a note on my bedroom door telling me goodnight and that she loves me so much. I just can't with that little sweetheart of a girl.

Walking... a lot this week.  I was not perfect in meeting my goal, but it was certainly better than nothing! And I'm counting that a win!

Struggling... with really bad anxiety on Saturday as I face all four kids going back to school next week and all that that entails (the shopping, the laundry, the clothes, the school supplies, the kids' bitching, the getting back on a routine, etc....) as well as my husband going back to work, while I myself am not able to go to work when, for the first time in 13 years, I had really been planning on and picturing it. It's just all really hard. 


Haha! Count me in!

I totally remember these!

August Check In: 35/50 books!!!

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