
Around Here: Week 22 2021

 {May 23-29th}

{texts from Jack}

One Year Ago

Grateful... for my parents for helping Josh while I was gone by having the kids in shifts.  The kids had a blast and it was really special for Josh to get to spend time with them in smaller groups. 

Laughing... at the message Jack sent me when Logan rode his bike to school and I drove Jack (because his tire was flat).  "Logan is alive. Have a good day." Haha! He knows how I worry when they are alone (especially Logan with his history of seizures) and wanted to let me know he was good. 

Planting... our garden (just me & Josh) while the twins were with my parents.  We had the best time, picking veggies at Lowe's and doing all the work required to get it in this year.  We stopped by his parents' land to get strawberry plants and that was really special too.  His mom is an avid (amazing!) gardener and I love that we have some of her plants in our garden. 

Visiting... Josh's car in his parents shop, and feeling so sad for him that she's broken.  Thankfully he and his brother are amazing with cars, and they have a plan to get her back on the road. I can't wait for that day. 

Enjoying... backrubs from my husband. I just adore a good foot or back rub, and Josh is always so accommodating. 

Spending... time alone with Carly which was just what my heart needed.  This school year has been hard as my plans were thrown out the window with COVID.  Instead of one last year with my girl before she starts kindergarten, I instead had all four kids home, full time, for a year.  So squeezing in little mommy & me, girls only sessions has been really special.

Dealing... with lots of physical anxiety and just praying school would be over already.

Ending... baseball season, which felt like it flew right by! We had such a great season, awesome coaches and fun teams for all the kids.  Jack would always save his after-game snack for Carly, which melted my heart. 

Leaving... for an extended weekend getaway Thursday.  I left Carly with the twins for a few hours before Josh was going to get home. I was nervous, but also knew they could handle it.  Thankfully, they did great, and my drive was awesome.  
I arrived in Vancouver and went to my cousin's to stay the night.  We shared dinner and I got to visit with her and her husband, and it was just such a treat to spend time with them one on one. 

Listening... to Oprah's unauthorized biograpahy; "I Pray You Put This Journal Away
 podcasts (totally fascinating look at the Duggar family); and the audiobook Dear Sugar as I drove. Dear Sugar had SO much magic writing.  Gosh, if you want to hug humanity, listen to that book. It was so inspiring and good for the soul.

Treating... myself to a haircut, pedicure and manicure.  Being alone is such a rare treat for me, that I almost didn't know what to do with myself when I had a morning with no plans.  The pedicure and manicure were lovely, and the haircut was fun, but I'm not sure I love it. Oh well.  At least I don't have dead ends anymore!

Sharing... lunch with my friends Kari & Kori (who were the whole reason for this trip- they were flying from Florida and New York home to see their mom in Oregon, and I was like, "If you're going to be here, I want to meet up with you!") and enjoying the most delicious Cuban sandwich made on French toast at La Provence.  Oh my gosh, I'm not a foodie... but this was amazing. 
We also had dinner together, at Beaches, which is where Josh and I went to Junior Prom in 2000, and very much enjoyed the view of the Columbia River and the company.  Gosh, I love those girls.  We have been friends since... I was 14 or 15.  Over twenty years of friendship and it's always the same. No matter how long we have been apart, we immediately pick up where we left off, sharing our struggles, our secrets and our stupidity.  They can make me laugh; they let me cry; and I know 100% that they are always there for me. 

Spending... the night in a beautiful hotel in downtown Vancouver with Kari & Kori, along with Kari's adorable daughter Cadence. We had so much fun talking until we could no longer keep our eyes open.  I talked to them about my weight gain, and Kari said, "Your body is the least interesting thing about you." They assured me that my value remains the same always. I mean, can you get better friends than that? Who love you regardless. Unconditional.  Such a blessing to me.

Chowing... down on a big (delicious) breakfast at Duck's in Vancouver (if you're from Vancouver, apparently it is owned by the family that used to own Waddle's across the river) and enjoying one last hour together before I headed to the coast to see my grandparents.

Driving... to the beach to see my Grandma Pansy & Grandpa Jerry.  The drive was absolutely beautiful.  Sun shining through the trees, making shadows as I drove over the mountain, sparkling and looking like magic. It was lovely. 
That is one thing I really miss about the Pacific Northwest (now that I live in the desert)- driving through trees.  There's nothing like it. 

Eating... dinner with my grandparents and sharing some laughs.  Then Grandma and I took a walk, which was lovely, and before it was too late, I turned in. I was exhausted.  What a weekend I had had!

Preparing... my summer reading list and getting really excited. School feels like it has been going For.Ev.Er and I cannot wait to be free.  For sunshine and swimming, for reading and writing. It's going to be so great. 



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