
Around Here: Week 29 2021

 {July 11-17th}

Crossing... things off the to do list on Sunday by cleaning house and getting the grocery shopping done. It always feels good to start the week with a clean house and a full refrigerator!

Blown away... by my dahlias blooming! I am so ridiculously excited! I grew these babies from tubers, in tiny pots on my front porch, then transplanted them into the backyard and have been waiting since the spring for the first bloom to show up. It brings me such joy!

Spending... lots of time in the pool as a family.  My sister and brother-in-law gave us their basketball hoop and Josh had the genius idea of setting it up behind the pool.  It has made swimming so much fun for the kiddos and their friends. 

Celebrating... Josh's 38th birthday this week with some cake (and the cutest candle blowing helper!).  He never asks for anything for his birthday.  This year was no different.  All he wanted was to be able to watch the All Stars game on TV.  I'm so grateful he was born. We are so lucky to have him.  

Cleaning... my closet with my sister and her baby.  Romy and Carly were off playing all day while we emptied my closet, only put back what a) fits and b) I love.  It was so much work, but my sister does nothing half ass.  She not only made the room more functional, but she made it look beautiful, too.  I'm so excited to have that space back to work.  My closet has been in disarray for quite some time now. 

Laughing... at Grady when he was reacting to my baby talk voice with Lu.  I was holding her on the couch and talking sweet when he wormed his way up next to us and wiggled his way into my lap as well.  He's just a big baby!

Running... errands by myself, which was absolutely luxurious.  I got the things I needed at Walmart and even tried on some dresses and pj's at Goodwill which was so fun. I can't remember the last time I took myself shopping, and it was just what I needed. 

Enjoying... a quiet evening to myself while Josh and the kids drove out to his parents' land to look through our brother-in-law's telescope.  The kids had so much fun, and Wyatt especially loved seeing the moon and planets.  Such a nice experience for them (thanks Tay!) and such a lovely break for me!

Seeing... pictures of the mama pig & 8 piglets my in-laws got over the weekend. The babies are so stinking cute and I am so excited for my kids to grow up in a place where they can experience both city life (with us) and country life (with their grandparents). What a tremendous blessing.

Obsessing... about whether I am a two or a six on the enneagram. I was pretty sure I was a six, then for fun I was taking some online tests about the enneagram, and I got two as my answer twice! But with a little lot of research and some help from my friend Kari, I reached the conclusion that I am indeed a six, and found out it's super normal for sixes to mistype ourselves or doubt our ability to know for certain what we are. 

Having... my first garage sale in over a decade.  I spent weeks working my way through our house to get rid of anything I didn't need or want, then had a garage sale for about four hours (8-12) and made $172.  I know that sounds very little (and it is) but I priced stuff to sell.  I did not want to have to lug everything to the Goodwill or the dump, and I didn't want ANY of it to go back into my house! My goal was to make enough to take the boys (and me and Josh) to see the newest Fast & Furious movie.  And I did that.  Plus, in the process, my house got a LOT cleaner and more organized.  So, win/win!

Hosting... one last family party before Josh's sister's family hit the road for more RVing.  The cousins are always glad for time together and sad to say goodbye!  I'm glad we've been able to spend so much time together this summer.

Using... Swimmer's Wellness on Carly's hair for the first time.  The chlorine in our pool is turning the ends of her hair green, so I did a little research and learned that Swimmer's Wellness is a good solution.  I have shampoo and conditioner for during her baths, and a spray that I put in her hair before she swims.  In addition to all that, I have a weekly treatment, like crystals, that I make into a mask of sorts and put on her hair and let sit every Sunday.  The difference is incredible. 

Starry eyed.... at the twins making pizza for our family Saturday night for movie night. I just pinch myself on the daily that these are my kids, my tiny babies, all grown up and cooking and making me laugh and riding their bikes places and helping around the house.  So lucky they're mine. 

Working... relentlessly on projects leading up to our garage sale, including reorganizing the hall closet, moving and sorting through the hutch, and organizing the second pantry with Jack's help.  They were all big projects, but I pushed through and got them done. I am so happy with all of it!

Snuggling... a sleepy girl when Carly came in my room before Josh and I had gone to sleep.  She climbed up in my bed and I held her as she slept for a while.  It felt so tender as those days are few and far between these days. 

Wanting... a haircut like Claire Underwood in House of Cards.  I'm just not sure I'm brave enough to do it. 

Wishing... I could be one of our cats. They're always all snuggled up in the best places, warm in the sunshine, and I just think, "That is the life!" Ha!


I love this advice I found in an old journal from an Oprah podcast I listened to.
Totally brilliant. 

1 comment:

Ashley said...

CONGRATULATIONS on the garage sale! I sell most of my things online (since we're so rural) but I have the same mentality: any money I can make is a win and getting the item out of my house is a bigger win, ha!