
Around Here: Week 34 2021

 {August 15-21st}

Do you spy all the birdies on the fence?

Cleaning... the house and mopping my floor with Tide for the first time per @gocleanco's encouragement. It is amazing how clean it got my floors with no strong smells and no stickiness. 

Napping... in the afternoon on Sunday and waking up to Josh and the kids in the pool.  It made my heart so happy that he is such a fun dad. 

Making... pizza & cookies for dinner Sunday night since we missed it this Saturday.  The kids were thrilled and everything was so yummy. 

Working out... Monday this week, which felt so great. I worked out a few other days, too, at the kids' old elementary school, while Wyatt & Carly played at the playground and I walked laps.  It feels good to be taking care of my body again. 

Heading... to Wenatchee with the kids for the day Monday.  We swam at my mom's and spent time with my sister and the kids' cousins.  We all loved on the babies and I was super grateful for the gorgeous weather with no smoke to worry about. 

Mowing... the lawn by himself for the first time.  My dad hired Logan to mow his front & back yard, and I felt so proud watching him learn and work on it. 

Shopping... with my mom, my kids and my nephews and being spoiled by my mom.  She bought me a book and and an instant pot after my crockpot died last week while cooking our pulled pork.  It was a hand-me-down given to us by a family friend (and old neighbor) Kerry five years ago when we moved.  We used the heck out of that thing and I was always so grateful for it.
The instant pot my mom got us is also an air fryer, which has the twins PUMPED to try out some new recipes.  I love their enthusiasm.  Whereas I am overwhelmed and unsure, they jump right into new things. They inspire me that way.

Blogging... and trying to catch up from a bit of summer this week. 

Seeing... the sleep doctor to check on my sleep apnea and CPAP.  Things are going quite well, and I am pleased to say that my tiredness has improved quite a bit as of late.  I guess it can take 3-6 months to start feeling the effects of the CPAP machine helping your breathing & your sleep.  I am at the five month mark currently. 

Struggling... to let Wyatt have his feelings.  When he is sad, frustrated or angry it hurts my heart to see his pain. But that's not his responsibility to bear. I need to let him have all his feelings. 

Hosting... mom and Roxanne (and her kiddos) at our house on Wednesday.  We had such a fun day visiting and playing with babies and kids.  The twins were crazy helpful with the babies and I got to help feed and love on Lulu and Royal. 

Grateful... that my mom cleans my microwave every time she's here.  This time she also organized my muffin pans and cookie sheets and let me tell you, that cupboard being orgazanized has felt life changing. haha! I love my kids, and I do sometimes clean the microwave myself... but at some point I have sort of given up on keeping it nice because the next day the kids have gotten it gross again.  

Suffering... a big migraine Wednesday. These migraines are bumming me out!

Signing up... the twins for their sports.  Logan is going to try Cross Country and Jack is going to play Football.  I am so excited and proud of them. 

Sending... the boys off to the land with Josh to do some work and feeling grateful for their able bodies and willing spirits. 

Making... slime and waiting for my "Best Mom in the World" Award to show up in the mail.  Any day now, I'm sure. ha!
For real, though, making slime is the worst... but my kids love it and I got an awesome recipe from @mothercould on Instagram.  Carly declared it was, "The best day of summer!" which made me laugh because even though I hate it, taking slime only took us maybe ten minutes. 

Shopping... for school supplies with all the kiddos and holy expensive! that was a lot of money. But it's done, and they are ALL going back to school, and it will be so lovely and good for them. 

Cooking... pizza for Josh and I on dinner.  I made us chicken, tomato and onion pizza and it was so fantastic.  I was SUPER proud of it! Yum!! 
For a show, we watched a few more episodes of House of Cards.  It's been entertaining, but a bit dark, and I'll be glad when it's over. 

Making... chocolate dipped strawberries with Carly & Wyatt for a special treat to kick off the weekend. I had bought the ingredients initially to make for Josh and I's eighteen year anniversary, but I wasn't feeling well.  So they waited until now.  The kids were thrilled and Josh and I quite enjoyed them during our date night as well. 

Feeling... very domestic lately, cleaning, organizing and cooking and baking.  

Recieving... the hair pretty organizer I ordered from Amazon and having so much fun filling it with all Carly's bows and clips.  I also ordered a headband holder and I can't wait to get that as well.  She's going to be so organized for the new school year!

Taking... Carly to the park as often as possible.  She loves the park more than any of my other kids have ever, and I think it's the sweetest thing.

Enduring... a clingy Carly at bedtime.  I read her two books, sing her two songs, and when the second song ends she hugs my arm and says, "Stay. Stay, mommy." So I climb in bed with her, wrap my arms around her little torso and sing another lullaby.  Oh this sweet babe.  She's growing right up. And I know these snuggles won't last forever.  So I'll cherish them while I can. 

Being... home unexpectedly on Saturday when my mom had to cancel our back to school shopping trip in Wenatchee because she wasn't feeling well.  We all felt awful that she was sick, but promised to take a rain check and go again once she is well. An extra day at home is always my favorite, so I enjoyed the day despite the change of plan. 


Deep thoughts:

My Mine to Tell course shared this quote, and it resonated with me so very much.  This is why I have to write.  I have to write to process things and to understand them. 

This advice shared by Sarah @thebirdspapaya struck me and I have been listening to it daily. 
"Love is showing up.
Instead of asking myself "How to do I love myself today?"
I ask myself,
"How do I show up for myself today?""

This one made me laugh out loud:
Self help=
"Deliberately making yourself so uncomfortable
it'll feel like you're dying."


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