
A break is a very good thing...

 We got back from the beach this afternoon.  We had an awesome time, slept a lot (hallelujah!), had some laughs and had plenty of down time.  It's true what they say, a break is a very good thing.
 I found that even though the boys woke up from naps tantruming like crazy, I was a more patient, kind and loving mommy than I had been last week.  And today I was able to meet a goal I set for myself at the beginning of the year.  My goal was to have one day where I went to bed with no regrets.  One day where I fell asleep knowing I was the BEST mommy I could be, all day long, no exceptions.  And today was that day.
 I feel amazing.  I plan to aim for my goal again tomorrow.  We'll see how it goes. Here's hoping I am able to keep my patience level up, my stress level down, and keep from overreacting. 
 We spent a casual afternoon at home, watching the Superbowl with the boys.  Then we fed them dinner, I gave them baths and we read stories and put them to bed.
 They snuggled in and after a few times going back in, they fell asleep.
 I missed them so much. It was wonderful to have a fun family day with them before it's "back to the grind" tomorrow.


Rox said...

How nice! I'm happy you and Josh got away, it's always needed but hard to actually do! "Happy Wife, Happy Life!"
And good job keeping your patience, that's a good feeling going to sleep with all that love in your heart!

Barb said...

So good that you Josh got some time away! Don't forget, though, that even on the days when you are tired and cranky, there is no one better to love your boys. You are the BEST mommy for them always!

Aniko said...

Shelly you ARE a great mommy. I am so glad that you got to get away, if you don't recharge your battery there isn't anything left. Have you ever seen the story of Mother Teresa? In the beginning she would go out to the street to care for the children and she would end up giving up all of her food, well that didn't last long and she passed out from exhaustion...her mentor told her than that she had to take care of herself first or she would be useless to the children she wanted to help. NEVER feel guilty for needing time for yourself and your husband. You two are wonderful parents.