Josh's sister Lisa's girls put the boys at the piano & let them play with the keys. It was so cute to watch. We hope that someday they will each play a musical instrument & be as well rounded as our nieces are.
Today the boys just WOULD NOT NAP. I had to stand over their cribs and keep them from rolling over, crawling to the side & standing up, as shown above. They think this is a hilarious game. I find it to be cruel & unusual punishment. Let's hope it's just a phase or teething!
Here are some absolutely scrumptious pictures of Logan clapping. Whenever we say "Yay!" he claps. It is so cute. He looks just so proud of himself. What a cutie patootie!
Thursday I picked up some new luggage for our family additions. They thoroughly enjoyed crawling around in it. And next week I will enjoy packing it with all their adorable jeans, socks & onesies for our big road trip to Moses Lake & then the beach. Hooray for spring break!
Jack wore a hole in his Robeez, and with walking on the horizon, I figured it was time for some "real" shoes. So we headed out to Nordstrom's & found these *adorable* baby Converse- I am dying... they are so cute! They only had one pair, so Logan's are in the mail, but that's alright cause his Robeez are still in good shape.