He is taking seven classes. SEVEN! And is interning at an elementary school twice a week. This means that some mornings, he sees the boys only from 7:00-7:10am. And doesn't see them again until the next day.
We know this is short term, and life will be better next semester when he's student teaching, and even better when he is DONE... but that does not mean it's been easy.
Until then, we are squeezing every possible moment of time together in.
Today he came home for 45 minutes between his internship & his classes. The boys were so happy to see him, and so was I.
We miss him.
We love him.
And we are proud of him.
1 comment:
That's a great picture of Josh! We're proud of him, too! Who would've thought he'd be getting his teaching certificate?! It's definitely a lot of sacrifice right now, but all for a better future! Hang in there!!!
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