
bedtime blues

This is Logan's new goofy face. He laughs so hard when he makes it. And it cracks me up!

And here's sweet Jack.
Lately when I am putting the boys to bed, I get sad. I miss them when they are in bed. Don't get me wrong, we need the break from two one year olds running around here, but they are just at such a fun stage right now that I feel sad to waste a single minute of my vacation with them asleep! But sleep they must, so while they sleep, I blog their cuteness for all to see!


Rox said...

The Cheese Face made it's return!! Yaayyy!! I kind of get missing them when they sleep- Ferris sleeps so much, sometimes I wish he'd wake up so I could play with him!

Aniko said...

Oh my, Logan looks just like daddy in this picture.

How could you not miss those darling little faces.