
elmo & cookie monster

I was snapping some shots of the boys this morning in their *favorite* jammies and when I looked at them on the computer I was struck by just how grown up they are looking. Jack's chin & dimples really look like they belong on a toddler face, not the baby face I used to know & love. And I was struck by Logan's thinned out body. Where are my baby chubs?
They are just getting so big.  Last night I was putting them to bed (which consists of sitting on the floor in their room and telling them to lay down or get back in bed eight million times) and Jack would not stop talking!  He was just spouting everything that crossed his mind. It went something like this:
"Logan. Logan, bike ride Daddy? Logan helmet. Logan, Daddy helmet, too. Bike ride. Green park. Jump trampoline. Nanny's house. Abby, Pooker (Cooper), Sunny. Papa's garage. Up-down. Ball. Basketball. Dunk it. Isaiah & Grant dunk it. Hoops.Train. Digger. Store. Treat at store. Logan? Logan? Logan, bike ride Daddy?"
On & on he went. It was so adorable to hear what was on his mind that I didn't ask him to stop for a while. I thought he might sort of run out steam. He did not.
It took me an HOUR and FIVE minutes to get them to sleep! That kid is like a machine. He just could not settle his mind down.  I was so relieved when he finally drifted off!

1 comment:

Rox said...

I'm loving these pictures!!!