
My "Super" Survey

1. Based on your performance this past week in whatever you do, what would have been your Superhero name?
"Detail Oriented Woman" Lame, I know. But true. Especially at work!!!

2. This week what has been super terrific and what has been super lame?
SUPER TERRIFIC: Planning a weekend getaway with my husband for next week!
SUPER LAME: The boys waking up at 4:30am.

3. Which of Superwoman's abilities would've been the most useful this week?
The ability to be in two places at once. Not sure if she can do that, but it would have been very helpful!

4. What do you most expect will be super fun this weekend?
My boss gave me her massage for tomorrow morning. I can't wait!!!

5. What are your thoughts on the upcoming Super Bowl?
It's going to be super for Josh, and not so super for me!

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