
38 weeks + 6 days

 I am nearly 39 weeks pregnant (officially on Sunday) and I saw the doctor today. 
I have gained 24 pounds so far, and she estimates that Wyatt weighs about 7lbs. 12 oz.
(That's exactly what she said.)
My belly is measuring 38cm and Wyatt is still active, although his movments seem more limited now.

{The following are a few more shots from Mother's Day with Kori- I was 32 weeks.}
The doctor tried to check my cervix today (Youch!) and said things are still pretty  high up, meaning nothing is really happening yet.  I am okay with that, as Wyatt is pretty easy to care for in my belly!
 I am having contractions off and on, and I feel some pelvic pressure, but that's about it.  My back hurts, that is my biggest complaint.  And I can't sleep for very long periods of time. Oh, and I caught a cold, darn it.  I am really hating that I have a stuffy nose. It makes what little sleep I was getting even more difficult to come by.
 But I am making the most of this time before his arrival, despite any discomfort on my part.  I am crossing things off my to-do list left & right.  I am reading my birthing book and practicing some techniques I plan to try during my VBAC.  They are challenging already and I'm not even in labor! So that has me freaking out a little bit. Am I going to be able to handle the pain?  Will my attempt at a vaginal birth be successful?  I have so many questions about all the unknowns.
I have also been working on some breast feeding preparation. I got some good bras & tops, have been reading up on breast feeding tips and praying that if it's meant to be, it will be easier than it was with the twins.
Most of all, I am just looking forward to the day that he does decide to show up, because I can't wait to lay eyes on him.  To see his little face and touch his fingers. To cradle his body in my arms and kiss his forehead.


Lori said...

I am supery duper excited for you. I just KNOW you're going to rock your VBAC. I can't wait to hear all about it. You are looking too cute for words, btw.

Rox said...

I like the attitude of waiting and letting him grow until he's ready, not rushing him out! Most women are "over being pregnant" at the end, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying these last weeks and days!

Jessica zimmerman said...

I'm excited for you! I'm 38w2d and feeling like my little guy will be here any day now! If you are interested in breastfeeding I highly recommend la leche league! They are wonderful and can answer questions over the phone or at monthly meetings. I know one of the leaders in Vancouver and she's great! I have lots of friends with successful vbac stories so I cant wait to hear yours!