
a year and a half...

For a year and a half I have adored this sweet baby in my arms. 

 For a majority of that time, I nursed this sweet baby in my arms.

 For some of that time, I slept with this sweet baby in my arms.

And for all of that time, I have loved this sweet baby in my arms.

{Photo credit: Kori Hiser Photography}

 Only  now instead of a sweet baby, he has become a (mostly sweet) toddler.








(and sometimes) 

 He is smart. So smart.  
Josh and I started writing down all the words he knew.  
When he hit fifty, we were impressed, but each day that passed, 
we added more to the list. And more to the list.
Until it surpassed one hundred.

That's right, this little eighteen month old knows 112 words.
On top of that, he often speaks in sentences.
"Daddy read book please."
"Mommy help open."
"I got it."

 We attribute his brilliance to my non-stop talking (seriously, I never shut up!)
"I'm going to change your diaper. Do you want a fresh diaper? After I change your diaper, I want you to throw it away, okay?  Then we're going to have lunch. Do you want to eat lunch? How about chicken? Do you want some chicken?  And milk.  You want milk in your sippy cup?"
as well as Wyatt's love of books and being read to.

Many of his books he now has memorized , so he will sit and read to himself.
Or sometimes he will convince one of the boys to read to him, which my mommy heart loves.

 The twins love to snuggle their baby brother,
and often fight over who gets to hug, kiss or read to him.

In addition to loving books, Wyatt loves to be sung to,
and Jack & Logan are more than happy to oblige,
serenading him with Row, Row, Row Your Boat;
Itsy Bitsy Spider and Old McDonald.

 Wyatt loves to eat, and when he's in his high chair and there's no food he says, 
"Mommy... Mommy..." in a sweet sing-song voice,
and then pretty soon he is growling like a wild animal,


But as much as Wyatt loves his mommy & big brothers,
books and good music,
his binky & taggie,
what he really loves more than anything in this world
is his Daddy.

{Happy Half Birthday Wyatt Nathanial}


Rox said...

Time has flown and Wyatt has grown so much since summer. Still such a sweet cherub face. Love and kisses to Wyatt!

Marilynn Raatz said...

Wyatt is so cute! That smile!! I miss him, thank you for all the pictures!