
adventure in the woods...

On Tuesday I took my boys outside.  It was about 25 degrees, the sun was starting to set, and there was wind, but were well bundled & determined to make some memories.  We headed down the hill from our house, toward the river, and happened upon a forest.  Or what seemed, to my two imaginative four year olds, like a forest.

"Let's have an adventure in the woods, mom!"  

And so we did.

"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy 
is to go outside somewhere they can be quiet, 
alone with the heavens, nature and God.  
Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be."
-Anne Frank


Marilynn Raatz said...

Beautiful!! I love your eyes peeking out from your hat and scarf. Jack's too! Logan's little nose must be claustrophobic! They look so little out there in the woods!

Barb Miller said...

Love the pics...what an adventure!

Rox said...

Your eyes are beautiful! Reminds me of a tattoo I've seen... ;)
Do you guys wear goggles, is the wind harsh on your eyes? They make tinted ones ya know, to prevent the "snow blindness."

Shelly Cunningham said...

No, we don't have goggles, the boys and I. Josh has some, because he has to go out in the harshest conditions. The boys and I only go when the weather is pretty good and only slightly windy. I do wear my sunglasses almost every time we're out, though, because the snow is really bright!