
My Wyatt

 Lately Wyatt has been lots of fun.  
Sassy, talking, playing with his brothers, and developing his own tastes.

He loves to wash his hands, like his big brothers.  
He also likes to eat at the table like his brothers.
He loves turning off and on the lights, playing with the switches.

He enjoys running at Saturday Social,
watching Team Oomi Zoomi, Paw Patrol & Veggie Tales,
and being read to.

When I lay him down for naps, he has this whole routine.  I change his diaper (potty training is on hold while he finishes out his amoxicillin from an ear infection), then he picks a book we read.  Then he climbs up the stairs while I walk behind him.  Then he turns on the light in his room, and the fan.  If I turn on the light and the fan-- watch out! That's his job!

He is still in love with his taggies.  But now he's added a collection of stuffed animals to his crib as well.  His favorites are beanie babies- an orange cat he calls "Angel", a polar bear and a little puppy.  Recently the twins got an order of Build-A-Bear clothes for their Build-A-Bears, and since then, they are all sleeping with their Build-A-Bears as well.  Wyatt loves his.

In the morning, he hardly eats a thing, but he loves his sippy cup of milk. He could exist on nothing but milk. I am surprised by this only because we have powdered milk up here. But he doesn't seem to to mind at all.

He also loves m&m's. 
Especially when I put them in cookies.

Every night after dinner he asks if it's dessert night. 
And if it's not, he folds his arms and pouts.  
He's so dang cute.

He loves animals.
Especially our neighbor dog, Sadie.

Yesterday he picked up different rocks and let Sadie smell each one.
It was so silly.

For lunch he loves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which is happy because he used to not like our homemade bread.  He also likes raisins and chips.  His favorite fruit is pineapple and he adores our homemade tortillas.

His favorite place to play is the bath tub.  Usually that's not a problem. The brothers play with him, and they can entertain each other for hours, climbing around, pretending it's a hideout.  One morning, though, I suddenly heard the water turn on, and I found Wyatt inside looking like this, and the twins standing outside the tub cracking up hysterically.

I gave Wyatt a haircut on Sunday and I think he looks so much like Josh now.  
Such a handsome little man!


Petersons said...

Thanks for being an inspiration to me. I found your blog reading comments on cjanes. I'm sort of a SAHM but work durning school hours since all my kids are at school. That has been an interesting adjustment!

Rox said...

Such a cute, smart, funny boy!

Marilynn Raatz said...

Oh he is such a special little boy!! I can't wait to spend time with him!!

Alida said...

What a darling family you have. (U R A good MOM.) Sure hope you got the lens back for the glasses. How scary. Life looks good for your little family. Soon it will be spring.(ha) Take care and be happy.
Aunt Alida