
Around Here: Week 40

{a lucky ladybug!}

Reading... Present Over Perfect, oh so slowly on my Kindle, and listening to The Selection, which was a book club pick this month for our local book club.  I am surprised to find myself LOVING The Selection, as it reminds me a lot of Hunger Games in all the best ways.  I finished The Boys in the Boat this week, and while I didn't love the writing style, the story of course was very inspiring.  At the library I got The Shakeress, and I'm enjoying that one currently as well.  Reading The Magician's Elephant with the boys, as well as working through our stacks of library books and Halloween books from our holiday box.  If I make the time the read to them, I am always so happy that I did.  So I've been making sure to take the time at bedtime to read their chapter book to them, and I've been trying to squeeze in a book or two each morning before school as well.

I received my copy of Winter Solstice this week, which is making me excited for winter.  Each year I have read the trio (Winter Street, Winter Stroll and Winter Storms) to get pumped for the holidays and now I get to add this one to the mix.  Elin Hilderbrand is my go-to for summer reads (my favorites are Barefoot and The Island), but it turns out she has a magic way with winter as well!

Selling... lots of card sets in my Etsy shop last week.  Thank you all so much for your love and support.  I am getting more created and will upload them to the shop soon!

Shipping... my greeting cards so easily with the Etsy labels. Seriously, I had no idea it would be so simple!  I simply printed off the labels, slapped them on my envelopes, and dropped them in the local USPS mailbox.  I enjoyed making my own business cards (complete with my business logo!) and packing up all those cards I made with love.

Getting... a handle on my temper and reducing the amount of yelling I've been doing. I did a little update, at week one, and it's going swimmingly.  {Check out the post for some pointers if you suffer from yelling like I did!}

Enjoying... all the new windows Josh has put in our house.  Now I need to do the work and paint the trim he put up all around them.  The light that they let in, and the clarity through which we can now see is awe-inspiring.

Feeling... validated with Josh while discussing my degree.  We were talking about educational options for our children in the future (college, trade schools, etc.) and I told him that in some ways I felt like I got my degree just to get my degree and that sometimes it felt like a waste. (Of money) Josh brought me to tears saying that he didn't think my degree was a waste at all.  That education is always worth it, and that he thought I was a more confident stay-at-home mom because of my degree.

Spending... special time with Wyatt last weekend.  We played Pie Face and laughed so much with him.  We find that getting one on one time with our boys during the school year is really challenging, so we've implemented "special night", where, on an alternating schedule, we let each boy stay up late with us on Saturday night after family movie night.  It's a great way to get to spend time with them alone, apart from their brothers.  And makes for some super special memories.

Preparing... the house on Sunday for the week ahead.  We went all out this week and I did haircuts for all the boys; changed all the sheets; and cleaned the entire house, top to bottom.  It felt amazing, and really set me up for the week, which was nice because I haven't felt great this week.  I have some kind of sinus thing going on.

Caring... for Carly as she has had some sleepless nights, some low grade fevers and has even fallen asleep in her high chair and in my arms, which are both rarities for our fast moving girl.  She's teething her last two bottom teeth. She's so drooly and just generally not herself.  I am hopeful this next week she starts feeling better.

Running... with the boys at their school Jog-A-Thon. Carly loved running along with her brothers & their friends and I was happy to be out in the sunshine. The boys were so responsible and called their aunts & grandma's for donations, which will help their school get more PE supplies & some new recess equipment. (Thanks ladies!!!)

Dealing... with a really naughty cat this week.  George has taken his naughtiness up a level and is eating EVERYTHING.  He ripped into a bag of jerky, ate through a bag of Marshmallow Mateys, and even consumed a Cheeto puff. He's something else!!!

Decorating... for fall.  Pulling out the Halloween decorations really helps me accept that summer is over and embrace the coming months & holidays.  Halloween is so fun for the kids, and my birthday is in mid-November.  So there's lots to look forward to.

Joining... a friend for coffee and the neighbors for dinner.  I feel so blessed by all the connections we've made in our new hometown in the last year. This place is chock full of beautiful people who have loved our kids, our family & myself, and that acceptance means so much.


{thanks for sharing this beautiful quote Heather}

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