
Week 24 Around Here {2019}

{The Columbia River Gorge}

Seeing... my sister-in-law and Josh's cousin over the weekend, which was so lovely.  Julie & Januari are the sweetest, funniest girls ever, and I love being around them.  They love my kids, accept me as I am and make me laugh like nobody's business.

Attending... the combine derby in nearby Lind, Washington with Julie & her sons, as well as Josh's parents and brother.  If you haven't been to a combine derby, let me tell you about it.  They take a bunch of old combines and basically run them into each other until there is only one left standing.
They also do truck races, which are super fun to watch, but very, very dirty!  They fling dust and dirt and rocks every which way, and Carly hated that part. Otherwise, it was a super fun, entertaining way to spend the afternoon with our family. Ha!

Receiving... good news from the sleep clinic about Wyatt's central sleep apnea.  Six months ago he had 17 central sleep apneas (where his brain forgot to have him breathe) and this time, he only had 5 central sleep apneas.  That is a huge improvement. 
We will do a repeat sleep study in ten weeks, and I am hoping for ZERO central sleep apneas.  Wouldn't that be amazing?!?

Visiting... our old neighbors new house along with their cows, goats & sheep.  It was so good to see them and their new digs.  Their house is gorgeous and I am so happy for them, but still sad for us because we miss them.  :(
When we got home, I had Carly wash her hands because she had tried to pick up a piece of a cow pie to throw like a rock into the canal behind their house.  When I reminded her we had to wash her hands because she had touched cow poop, she asked, "Yeah," with her head cocked to one side, "Why aren't Yuliana's cows potty trained yet?"
I about died laughing, wondering how she imagined cows to potty train- is it on a giant toilet? Or maybe in some kind of litter box like our cats? I don't know, but this girl is too much!!

Finishing... The Favorite Daughter and really enjoying the story so much. I heard about it from Modern Mrs. Darcy and I'm so glad I picked it up.

Listening... to Before Green Gables.  It's a long book (14 hours on audio) but I am loving it so very much.  I am listening every chance I get.  It's about Anne's life before she shows up to Green Gables- how she is orphaned, the families she lives with and how she learns to read and view life the way she does.  It's a new favorite for sure.

Putting down... Bel Canto after trying to get into it, but about 30 pages in, I gave up. I think I am going to just watch the movie on Netflix instead.

Enjoying... the last day of school with Josh home.  His school got out a day before the boys, so we got to go out kayaking with just Carly that morning.  It was so lovely.  The day was peaceful and warm and the water was like glass. 
Josh joked that those were our three hours of summer vacation. 
...He's not wrong.  ;)

Laughing... at how Carly drinks her smoothies with a medicine syringe.  She uses her Tylenol shooter to squirt the Danimals smoothie into her mouth and it's so cute.

Road tripping... to Vancouver with my sister & nephew (as well as Wyatt) to see my parents and attend my cousins bridal shower.  On the ride the boys watched a movie (and talked REALLY LOUD to each other since they were wearing headphones. Ha!) and listened to music (Old Town Road anyone?) on repeat.  We did do a little quiet reading time, which allowed my sister and I to visit without interruption.  Honestly, though, it was a breeze to talk over two kids compared to the seven we usually have to talk over, so the drive was quite lovely!

Staying... at my parents house with all my siblings under one roof for the first time since 2001? I think.  We were trying to figure it out.  I know we haven't stayed together since my wedding which was in 2003, and I think before that, only three of us lived at home. So I think the last time was around my high school graduation. 
Wyatt loves being at my parents house because they have three dogs, and my little brother has one dog, so he is in puppy heaven there.  We call him the dog whisperer, because they love him so much. 

Eating... at Burgerville, our favorite Northwest restaurant, which we don't have anywhere near us where we live, three times.  And getting free t-shirts the last time because we asked persistently and went through the drive through twice that day. #persistencewins

Shopping... at the mall, which is so fun since we don't have a mall where I live.  We shopped at Bricks & Minifigs (a Lego resale shop) for the boys, and my sister made a miniature Carly, complete with glasses and a boat (which we are pretending is a kayak), a lipstick and a chocolate easter bunny.  We also shopped at Macy's where my mom bought me a new purse that goes across my body, which is SO much better for my elbows (I tend to overpack all my purses, and then wear my arms out carrying them) and at Bath and Body Works where my sister and I got the giggles when I went to have her smell a candle, not knowing she was coming in hot, and I basically punched her in the face with it.  We could NOT get it together after that.  OMG.
We also hit up Ulta so I could get a new hair wand and try out some new hair styles. I feel like my hair style is 1990's soccer mom, and that's not exactly the look I'm going for, so I went out on a limb and bought a new wand.  (fingers crossed I can make it work!)

Hitting up... Goodwill for some books, and breaking my book buying ban.  (Although, technically, my mom bought them for me.  Thanks mom!) I just love shopping for books so much, it makes me so happy, and the thrill of the hunt at Goodwill is my favorite.

My haul:

I am most excited for 



1 comment:

Marilynn Raatz said...

I laughed out loud - startled the dogs, when I read the candle story!! You and Roxanne are so fun! Jack holding Carly is just the sweetest. She is a lucky girl to have so many to love her - she is just precious. And you do her hair so beautifully. It is hard to get the back part straight with pig tails and yours is perfect!! Wyatt's teddy bear is just so darling.
I loved watching you shop for books. Checking online and reviews. So inspiring.
Jack and Logan's braces are making amazing progress!
I am so excited for our time together coming up! xoxo, Mom