
Around Here: Week 24 2022

 {June 12-18th}

"Blessed are the happiness makers.
Blessed are they who know how to shine."

-Henry Ward Beecher

Flashback: Baby Milo & Baby Wyatt

Flashback: Kindergarten birthday celebration!

Flashback: Him and his best buddy Lily when he was in kindergarten

Dropping... the kids off for school Monday (which was late start) and Tuesday (which was early release) and then ushering in SUMMER!! The twins went to an "End of the Year" party with fellow eighth graders and I did a little Walmart summer shopping. Some new pillows, a super cute "Happy Place" sign for the back patio and some new water bottles for me to stay hydrated while watching the kids swim in the backyard. 

Unpacking... backpacks as more and more things came home with the four kiddos.  Old books, binders, school supplies and tons of art projects and returned work. 

Celebrating... Wyatt turning eleven! His birthday was the first day of summer break and he was thrilled to not have to go to school. My parents brought the boys' cousins (Ferris & Milo) and they had so much fun swimming and celebrating our guy.  All Wyatt wanted for his birthday party was for his cousins to sleepover. So they watched a show, had pizza, stayed up super late, and had donuts the next morning.
For his birthday he got his first cell phone (middle school is coming, and I want him to have a phone for staying connected to me and his dad), a set of rubix cubes and a Minecraft axolotl stuffed animal. 
From my parents he got the absolute coolest Mario Nintendo Lego set (2,600+ pieces!) that he built 100% by himself. It was super nostalgic for me because we had that Nintendo and played that Mario game growing up! 

Sending... the twins to sleepover with my parents for a few nights to kick off summer.  They helped my dad set up their pool and spent lots of time with their cousins. 

Enjoying... the rhubarb pie my mom made me (from scratch) and brought when she came to celebrate Wyatt.  I love rhubarb pie (I credit this to my North Dakota German roots), especially when I warm up the pie and have it ala mode with a scoop of Tillamook Vanilla ice cream. 

Reading... East of Eden (a chapter a day) and Transcendent Kingdom.  Transcendent Kingdom was so good! Sad, but really spoke to me about church and my experience there.  I wanted to share the pictures of East of Eden so you could see how I broke it up into chapters and parts. It not only makes it feel doable, it also looks so cheery!

Catching... the ice cream truck (finally!) and having enough cash to get Wyatt and Carly a treat. They were delighted!! (The twins were still in Wenatchee with Nanny & Papa, so they missed out.) 

Picking... up some free furniture we found in our neighborhood while Josh was at work and the twins were out of town.  Wyatt, Carly and I managed to get the pretty desk into my van and into the house and up the stairs all by ourselves!! (Pats self on back)
Carly has been wanting a desk, and finding a free one was so perfect! Now she can play even more in her room and have space for her toys to really spread out. Yay! 

Blogging... and trying to get caught up here.  It's been a battle all year this year. I think that as the kids grow, it's harder to make the time.  That's weird, but true. 

Grateful... for days when Josh remembers to put our flag out front. Like on June 14th (flag day).  I think it looks so pretty!

Blessed... to be married to the most patient, best husband ever. He is just so kind and always gives me such grace, despite my moodiness or mind changing.  I got a good one, that's for sure. 

Taking... the twins to their yearly eye doctor appointment. I didn't take them to the eye doctor until they were four years old and it turned out that Logan had significant vision deficiencies.  I regret so much that I didn't take them sooner. I took Wyatt at three years of age and he got glasses immediately.  Same with Carly.  So if you have a little one, do yourself a favor and see the eye doctor well before preschool age. 
I also enjoy taking the twins to the eye doctor because their color blindness fascinates me.  Watching them take (and fail) the colorblind test always gets me.  I just wish I could see the world through their eyes. 
After their appointment, we chose new glasses for the next year and they're so cute. Especially Jack's make him look so wise!

Watching... Steel Magnolias while Josh was out with his brother one night and I needed a good cry.  Steel Magnolias is my go-to crying movie.  The scene at the cemetery where Sally Field's character cries about how she could run to Texas and back, but her Shelby can't... I lose it. Every time. 
(What's your go-to crying movie or song? I'd love to add to my arsenal.)

Missing... the twins so much while they were gone at my mom's.  I was so happy to pick them back up on Saturday and bring them home. Jack teased me saying, "Cap!" when I told him I missed him, but it's really true.  They bring so much life, joy and laughter to our house. 
... I hate to think of what it will be like when they move out someday. 

Laughing... at how bucket hats have made a comeback.  I remember owning one the summer of seventh grade (it was denim, with daisies on it) and so I think it's really funny my boys now have them as they're finishing eighth grade. 
Also laughing about Jack's "I heart hot moms" shirt because it reminds me so much of two of the shirts Josh had when we started dating.  He had an "I heart your mom" shirt and an "I heart chicks" shirt with little baby chickens on it. Hehe.  Like father, like son. 

Sharing... Wyatt's deep thoughts with anyone who will listen. (This kid is a really deep thinker, y'all.  It's amazing the things he comes up with.) This week he asked me what language Deaf people dream in.  I have discussed this with my sister and brother-in-law (who are Deaf) and they said sometimes there is signing, but often they just "know" the things being said, without it being in a specific language. 
The other thing he randomly said to me the other day was, "You can't see a word without reading it." And now I find myself trying to look at words, signs, writing, without reading what it says... and he's right... I can't. hah! 





Need to remember this when I get sad about
the twins growing up so fast. 




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