
Around Here: Week 29 2024

 {July 14-20th}

Look at the flecks of color in Carly's eye

Can you spot the heart Carly found in the ceiling?

Me (in the rainbow shirt) Roxanne (holding Lu) and my mom (so fashion!)

Baby Sweet P (on the blanket) and Carly (in the chair)

"Childhood's notes left behind
compose a melody
that echoes in the heart
of every  mother."
-Tiffany Gray

Celebrating... Josh's birthday, just the two of us, with lunch at Enzo's.  The food was good, but I ordered a drink and WHOOO! it was so strong and gross.  Haha, bummer.  Luckily the company was perfect and it was a nice excuse to get all dressed up and get out of the house for a bit.

Making... raspberry jam with my mom and loving how it makes me feel connected to both her and her mom, who also canned jam (among other things). My sister's little girl Daphne also helped us which was just the cutest. The jam smells so good when we're making it. Yum! Mom also got some blueberries for each of us, and the size of the blueberries blew my mind! 

Visiting... a bizarre, wonderful store in Wenatchee called Hooked on Toys that is more like GI Joe's and Toys R Us had a baby. Haha! We found a lot of super cool swim floats for cheap there and I got Josh a fun fidget as well. I went with my dad, Wyatt, Milo & Carly. It was nice to have some time to visit with my dad as well. 

Dreaming... of both my Grandpa Jerry & Josh's dad Carl (who both passed last year within four months of each other). I dreamed that we were at my grandparents' house at the beach and as I walked down the hall, I saw my grandpa.  I said, "Oh Grandpa! I've missed you so much!" And he didn't recognize me, but he let me hug him. Just the tightest, best hug ever. It was so good for my soul. 
Then I was out on their front porch and my dad and Josh's dad were there.  They were getting in the car and it was snowing. Carl's bald head was gathering snow on it so I asked my dad if he had a beanie in the van for him. He did. So I stood on the porch as they left, waving as they drove away. So lovely to see both of them.

Seeing... my counselor again. I try to see her every other week. I use Doctor on Demand which is great because I can meet with her any time, anywhere. It's great.

Attending... book club with my friends after a really emotional day. It was just the happy distraction I needed. I had to talk to the insurance people about Logan's car accident and it was really upsetting. Being a grown up is the pits sometimes.

Loving... that the twins and their friends got the Legos out of Wyatt's closet and have been seen building all kinds of cool things ever since. Such a fun little-kid thing that we all enjoy.

Finding... a huge grocery order of soft foods on our porch. Aunt Julie placed the order and had it delivered to us in preparation for Carly's braces and orthodontic work. Such a thoughtful thing. 

Starting... treatment for Carly with our favorite orthodontist, Dr. Feller. She got brackets put on her top teeth. The next step will be a spacer in September to stretch the roof of her mouth and give her teeth more room to grow in.  Then she will get brackets on the bottom teeth. It will be a long process, but I started to notice that she was not smiling fully, feeling shy about her teeth, so it's one that I gladly started if it means boosting her confidence. 

Walking... Wyatt through making bread like we used to make every week when we lived in Alaska. He did a great job and oh man, did the house smell good!!! I subsequently made myself a tuna sandwich and it took me right back to our Alaska house. 
A few days later when Wyatt stayed at my sister's house, he asked if he could make some bread. When my sister said she didn't want to have to help him, he said, "Oh, it's really easy. You just make the dough, let it rise for an hour, move it into bread pans, let it rise another half hour, then cook it for thirty minutes. No big deal." She was laughing so hard as she told me this. "He's all yours, Shelly," she joked because the kitchen is not her forte, "Good job." I had to laugh as well and tell her that that does seem simple to us after watching me spend literal days making sourdough. 

Trying... my hand at sourdough cookies after the twins raved about their friends' moms sourdough cookies.  I have to say, they turned out amazing! Definitely worth all the effort (after you make the dough, they have to sit in the fridge for 24 hours before you bake them)!

Swimming... one afternoon, just Josh, Carly and I. We had so much fun.  I'm so grateful that I enjoy my people so much. 

Grateful... for Josh who spent an afternoon power washing the back patio and scooping dog poop out of the yard. He is such a good, hardworking man and I'm lucky he's mine.

Hosting... my family for a pool party + a BBQ dinner.  We had such a great time, swimming in the sunshine, eating good food and laughing together. It was great! My mom brought rhubarb pie and ice cream and it was *delicious*. Carly set up a treasure hunt for her cousin Romy, which Romy loved. She's so fun!  After my sister's family left, Carly practiced sewing some things with my mom, who is an amazing seamstress. They worked on making a pillow for her barbie bed. So cute!

Chatting... with my girlfriends Kari & Kori. Whenever we talk, I just feel seen and understood and so loved. I am so lucky to count them among my friends. They make me laugh so hard and feel less crazy. Love you, girls!!!!

Having... a very good Saturday. It started with a foot rub from Josh (which is the BEST because my number one fibromyalgia pain is in my feet), then Carly's friend came over and I was able to blog on the back patio while they swam. After her friend left, Carly had some tablet time and I got the pool to myself! Then I laid in the hammock reading.  It was so luxurious and perfect.  I nearly finished my book! Then Saturday evening I enjoyed some pizza from the twins' friend Brennen who works at Papa Murpheys. It was so sweet of them to share. 

Photographing... Carly's eyes as I noticed she has the most beautiful flecks of brown, almost like freckles, in them. Her eyes are so beautiful. 


All my babies at 4 years old

Grady Lincoln
Piper Posey


1 comment:

Ashley said...

So excited for you and your sourdough adventure! I have a love/hate relationship with sourdough - it's SO delicious but also so much work. In the past, I called it my seventh baby because it needed so much attention, ha!