

Been having some anxiety as of late. Not really sure what I'm going to do about that. My doctor appointment isn't until March... real helpful right? I just try to breathe through the attacks, but it's tough at work to find a spare moment to take.
The boys woke up a bunch last night, which is making me nervous that they may be heading into another series of wakeful nights. The lack of sleep is not helping my situation.
They were a lot of fun tonight, though. Squealing, laughing, & scooting all around to play with their toys, which were splayed all about the living room.
I started a diet in January & got real serious about it three weeks ago. I have lost nine pounds already. That's pretty exciting!
Well, I am off to try & catch some sleep before the boys decide to wake up.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelly,
Remember that stress is accumulative, but so is relaxation! Be in the moment, enjoy the doing, not the done! Breathe (blue dots) I'm sorry you're going through this. I love you, Mom

P.S. Don't be afraid to break the cycle with medicine if needed.....

Kristy said...

breathe in, breathe out. you are doing a wonderful job! live in those moments that make your heart leap!

hang in there.....i will be praying for you! ;)

Anonymous said...

Aw, I hope that you can get in soon to get some anti anxiety meds or at least to talk to a professional and get an opinion/advice.
I'm a big believer in positive self talk and good vibrations and optimism as you know, I swear it works. Fake it til you make it, and make sure the last minutes you're awake (laying in bed) you are only thinking positive things. I know I sound like a hippie or something but that is what works for me.
As for stress release, I would love to go on walks with you and the twins (weather allowing...) and you are always welcome to come tan at my apt!
I love you! & this too shall pass...

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon an interesting website, you might want to take a look. :)