
thoughts on back to work

Last year when I went back to work I was really dreading being gone from the boys. I am this year as well, but I have to say that I feel better about it.
My mom (Nanny) and mother-in-law Carol (Grandma) watched the boys last year and will watch them again this year. But this year I have a few advantages that have changed my perspective on this whole "daycare" thing. (Daycare doesn't really fit, but I don't know what else to call it. Maybe I should call it G-Care, like for "Grandma"??? ...I'll keep thinking.)

1. My job is just my job. My heart is being a mother.
2. Being away from the boys is really only hard on me. They are having a BLAST at home with Grandma or at Nanny's house.
3. Those boys have the most loving, patient & understanding grandmothers on the planet. They put up with me and my lists, and love those boys SO MUCH. Seeing them with the boys this summer has shown me what a bond they have created. They both tell me how much they miss the boys when they haven't seen them for a day or two. And every time they are reunited the boys run and HUG them and there are smiles all around.
4. My dad took me a on a tour of the daycare facility located on his work premises... There aren't really words except to say that I had no idea how lucky I was until I saw a classroom of FOUR one year olds with ONE teacher to take care of them. It was so sterile, and nothing like the wonderfully cozy home environments my boys get to experience.

I thought I appreciated what I had last year, but I really, really appreciate what I have heading into this school year. And I think I really get that the boys are FINE once I leave. They love me, but (lucky for me) they also love their Daddy, their Grandma, their Aunties, their Nanny... so many people.

I hope I can keep this attitude on my first day of work. I hope I can remember that it's just me missing them...
they are having a great time!


Rox said...

I am loving the positivity all over this post! Attitude is everything and I'm happy for you that you're feeling more at peace about work!

The Adelman Twins said...

3 cheers for Nanny!

Aniko said...

Shelly, don't feel bad if you want to cry or are sad because you want to be the one who stays home with your boys and just can't right now. Feeling your feelings doesn't take away from the loving, caring, and giving family, that you share. You are a superb mom, never forget that.