
saturday play

So lately, it's been impossible to get a good picture of the boys. Alone, or together. They are just constantly on-the-move and often we are so busy playing or making a giant mess, that I don't even bother to get out the camera. So yesterday I tried to capture a few smiles. The quality is not great. I think my camera is tired... poor thing... I totally understand. But until we can afford a new one, it'll have to do. So please forgive our finicky flash & our grainy grins!

Here are two of Jack playing "Go night-night/ Wake Up!" This is a household favorite. They get their binkies & bubbas & pillows & blankets and pretend to go to sleep. Then they (quite violently) WAKE UP!!! It's hilarious!

And here precious Logan looks so cozy that he may very well actually fall asleep.

He's been doing this lately, like a fake nervous thing. It's funny.

There's that gorgeous smile. I think that he is growing currently because he never seems to have slept long enough, eats like he is STARVING and is kind of cranky.

This picture breaks.my.heart. He looks like a BIG kid. Like he's three or four, not about to be two. There is not even a trace of baby left. He's looking at me like, "Another picture, mom?" and leaning against the couch like a little boy. Where did my super-pudgy, drooling, crawling BABY go?

At least the boys like to "play" baby. Saturday Josh wrapped them up burrito-style in the big couch blanket and rocked them back and forth singing "Rock-a-bye Baby."

They loved it!

{Daddy & Jack}
Lucky for us the boys still love to snuggle & be snuggled. That is my saving grace. Even though they are no longer babies, they still let me hold them, hug them, kiss them and squeeze them. I used to go in at night to rock them as they slept, but last time I did that (on their 22nd-month-birthday) I woke them BOTH up and was awake until midnight with them trying to get them to go back to sleep.
So. Umm. Yeah. That phase is over.
{insert pouty face & sad tears here}

Here's his pose for pictures. Pretty adorable.

No words necessary.

His smile just makes me smile.

Pretending to be shy.

{Jack & Logan}
This is the closest I got to a good picture of the two of them together. They can't sit still, I tell you!

They can almost count to ten, skipping about 2 or 3 numbers.
They can wink (or look like they are trying to, anyway).
They say "Bless you" when someone sneezes.
They fake sneeze.
They say "thank you" & "you're welcome" constantly.
They tell each other "my turn" and "let go" and "no."
The other day Jack took a clean shirt out of the laundry basket, walked over to Sukie, sleeping on the couch, and proceeded to "clean" her ears with it. He told her "Sukie. Clean."

They are just at such a fun age right now. They are learning like sponges, and copying EVERYTHING we do. They love to sing. They like to practice blowing out birthday candles. They LOVE washing their hands in the sink and say "oooh, bubbles" when they get good & sudsy. They prefer open top cups to sippy cups, which is something I indulge when I can. They are just becoming quite independent and always have their own idea of how things should go.

1 comment:

Aniko said...

It is so amazing how one day you look at your beautiful children and are amazed at how they have completely changed and grown, how they are forming thoughts and words and comprehending. Never ceases to amaze me. I just love those bright cheerful faces.
Thanks for sharing