
twenty-two months

Our beautiful babies are becoming toddlers. In two short months I will officially have to stop calling them "the babies". They will become "the boys", like they will be when they are five, and seven and probably even forty. "Oh, the boys are coming home this weekend." "The boys are taking the car to the movies." "The boys are my entire happiness."
How did this happen?
They are figuring out this whole twin thing. Jack has {finally} started calling Logan "Logan" instead of "Jack." If I ask Logan "Who is your brother?" He will say, "Jack." When one of them gets in trouble {even for hurting the other one} the brother NOT in trouble will often join his sibling in the timeout corner. This is beyond me. Why would they do that? They HATE timeout. They cry, and sob, and say "sorry"... yet when their brother is over there crying, they will just "plop" down with him. Boggles my mind. And warms my heart.
Recently Josh and I have been talking about when to have our "second" baby. Then I stop and remember that my next (second) pregnancy will result in my third baby. We talked and decided we are having so much fun with the boys right now, and are so focused on parenting, discipline and Josh finishing school & finding a job, that we are putting any family additions on the back burner. We had originally planned to try again in the fall, so the boys would be three when the baby(ies) were born. But we fear that it may result in another multiple birth. (Don't think it can happen? Think that multiple multiples only happen to people who use fertility drugs? Wonder what those statistics even are? Check out this blog: www.itstwinsanity.com. She had TWO sets of IDENTICAL TWINS. Odds of this? 1 in 70,000. Yikes, right?)
So with all of that on our plate currently, we have decided to sit back, enjoy our happy, bubbly, exhausting boys, and allow my {insanely loud} biological clock to let us know when the time is right. (I was turning 25 when I told Josh it was time for a baby. It. Was. Time. And we got pregnant the first month with the boys. So I feel that when the time is right, I will know.)
What are the boys up to that is adorable at 22 months? Chasing each other and calling "Looo-gannnn" or "Jaaa-aack". Doing Ring-Around-The-Rosies. Fist bumping, which we call "Gimme Knuckle" and Logan calls "Knuck." High fiving their bubbas (stuffed animals) and saying "Yeah!" They LOVE cell phones and say "Hello" and tell us who they are calling. Often Grandma, Papa, Roxanne, Blake or Nanny. And they LOVE their cousin Ferris. They say his name and it sounds like "fish", and they hug him, kiss him, pat his back, give him his binky or bottle, and yesterday Jack wanted us to send him down the kiddy slide my mom has in her house. So Roxanne & I obliged and let Jack push Ferris {gently!} down the slide while Roxanne held him. It was so cute. And when Ferris got to the bottom, the boys clapped for him.
Over spring break we attempted to break them of their daytime binky habit. It was, umm, how do you say, unsuccessful. It was flat out UGLY. They knew the binkies were in their bed. They knew I knew their binkies were in their bed. But they did not know why I wouldn't get them for them. It started because the collective we was concerned that the association between their bubs & binks was too strong. Our fear was that when (in June) we take away their binkies full time, they will no longer love their bubs (stuffed animals) as much as they do now. Because whenever the boys ask for their bub, they ask for their binky. And vice versa. Well, as I said, this attempt was a failure. And honestly, I'm okay with that. It was a fair try, but I am just not there yet. And it seems the boys aren't either. So our plan for now is to take them away COMPLETELY in June. Let's hope that venture is a little less painful than this one. (Yeah, right.)
I am trying recently to stay positive, but it's difficult. I just want to be home with those boys. And I want Josh to be able to take a deep breath & get a good nights sleep. Until school is done, I don't think either of those things will happen for him. Things at work have gotten better, but they are by no means perfect. Although, quite frankly, I don't think it matters because home is where my heart is, and nothing is going to change that. But I am at the point where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. There are less than 60 days of school left. I can do this. What we have been working for for the last four years (Josh more than me) will reach completion in less than six weeks. Unbelievable! He will be a teacher, I will be a SAHM, and our future will be laid out before us, waiting to be had.


Rox said...

loved this post... I felt like I could've just kept reading! I think Ferris already wants the boys to like him, he doesn't mind the (sometimes rough) love at alllL!!

Smelly Moose said...

HOly cow, your boys are totally Cunninghams!! :) Super cute! they grow up so fast don't they??

Lynnette said...

I cannot believe your boys are almost two!
Tip from playgroup to wean off binkies: Snip the end of the binkie a little so it feels funny in the mouth. Lots of kids give them up on their own after doing this!

Aniko said...

Love the post. Also love Lynnette's suggestion about the Binky. Robin's son & wife waited until their daughter was 3, they talked about it and she was ready to throw them away, in fact, Robin put some up in her drawer and little miss Sophia found them this weekend and she came yelling out of her room "Gramma, we have to throw these away". So far your instincts haven't failed you yet, so I have confidence that when you are ready, they will be also.

Kymberlee - The Mama Midwife said...

Giving up the paci is SOO tough...but maybe this summer you can take them to the waterfront and have THEM throw them into the Columbia and say "Bye-Bye" I heard that somewhere and it worked like a charm for us.

If you need a stress break, you can come over and play in my craft room anytime...seriously! I would be happy to keep an eye on (play with) those handsome little men while you played in my room. It sure gives new meaning to ME being sent to my room!

The Bormann Family said...

Glad to hear your boys both go to time outs too! One will pull one's hair and both end up in time out. It is almost as if the good one will feel left out for not getting a time out!