

"Time is too slow for those who wait;
too swift for those who fear;
too long for those who grieve;
too short for those who rejoice;
but for those who love, time is eternity."
-Henry Van Dyke

It's been 14 weeks since Josh left. 
14 weeks since the boys hugged their daddy. 
14 weeks since he's helped with bath or bedtime.  
14 weeks since I've slept in.
14 weeks since we've had dinner together as a family.
14 weeks since he last took out the trash.

I miss him.

But I have found that for me it gets easier the further we are from having seen each other. For Josh, though, it's the opposite. The longer we're apart the more he misses me.  The more lonely he gets.  The more he misses the boys.

The good news?

Less than 6 weeks until we are together again. 
In 40 days I will see his smiling face,
and the boys will once again embrace their daddy.

Time is definitely too slow for those who wait...


Joshua said...

I can't wait until we are together as a family again. I love you so much and appreciate everything that you are doing for us.

Rox said...

Yes, indeed, time is slooooow for those who wait!
If anyone says "He's back already?!" I will punch them in the face for you.