
What I 'm loving right now

 I am very behind on my blogging and feeling overwhelmed about everything.  So when I read Enjoying the Small Things tonight and saw a blog on what she's loving right now, I felt inspired.  These are the things I am loving right now...

 I'm loving the boys sharing like I have never seen. Warms my heart to hear them report proudly, "I'm sharing with my brother, mommy!"

 I'm loving Jack wanting to kiss Wyatt good-bye whenever he goes anywhere.

I'm loving Logan hugging his Daddy -pillow goodnight and whispering, "I miss you, Daddy."

I'm loving Jack talking about having snowball fights in Marshall...

I'm loving how much Logan missed Roxanne while she was busy having a baby.

I'm loving this butterball...

I'm loving that I took all three boys to the beach to visit my grandparents by myself...

I'm loving my grandpa... He's the best...

I'm loving how funny the boys are...

I'm loving every single picture of them in their costumes...

I'm loving how handsome they are...

I'm loving walking them in to pre-school three times a week... Parking the car, getting out, crossing the street with my little ducklings marching behind me, heading down the stairs to the Sunshine room, where their friends & teachers await us...

I'm loving how every morning they ask if Carly will be there...

I'm loving my parents... for listening when I cry and helping me when I need it...

{Photo courtesy of Logan Henry}
I'm loving my sister... for what she's going through bringing home baby #2 and for being there for me always...

I'm loving Jack for trying his oranges like Grandpa Jerry...

I'm loving Logan for loving his cousins Gustav & Gisele so stinking much!

I'm loving that the boys are off-the-charts excited to move in with Grandma Carol & have bunk beds...

I'm loving Jack for asking, "Are you crying mommy? Do you want your bubba?" whenever I'm sad...

I'm loving this baby boy for being so simply perfect...

I'm loving when Logan tells me stories about his {imaginary} friends and all the naughty things they do...

I'm loving that it's all boys in our family... How cute are they?

I'm loving that these boys adore each other...

I'm loving that someday they will adore each other, too...

I'm loving that I have one more holiday season to enjoy here with my family...
It's important as I am working to pack us up & move us 2,000 miles away that I keep positive and remember what I have to be grateful for.

I have an amazing support network. 
I have three beautiful sons.
Josh has a job. He's following his passion.
I am going to be a stay-at-home-mom with Wyatt.
I have my health.

And in addition to all those HUGE things, I have little moments everyday. Moments when Logan, out of the blue, tells me he loves me THIS MUCH. Or when Jack tells me quietly he needs another hug.  Or when Wyatt wakes up, sees my face, and breaks into the biggest dimply smile I've ever seen. Or when Josh texts me just to tell me that he's thankful for me and misses me.  Those little moments are what I'm loving right now.


Rox said...

Great, Great, Great post! I love you, too. I had fun with you, mom and out babies last night, I kept thinking, "I love them."
And you know I love me some Logan! Especially when he blushes!!
Moving is hard work, but soon it will be over! Drop a kid at my house in the afternoon, seriously! Milo's getting a lot easier and Ferris has so many new, fun toys.

Rox said...

*our babies

Anonymous said...

LOVE this! You have the three cutest little boys on the planet! Can't wait to follow your adventures in Alaska!

Rox said...

I read the needs section of your blog (at the headline) thank you for posting that! So, for Christmas... mail the boys' presents up there, right? Did you send a lot of toys? How are they on clothes?

PS Love your song on the blog~ Firework :)